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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:05 PM
Redirect Example http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/redirects.asp Instead of sending content to a user, you can redirect the browser to another URL with the Redirect method.
Guestbook in C# http://dn.yyyz.net This application was adopted from Steve Schofield's original VB Guestbook DotNet application - I converted it to C# and added a few features that work better for me.
Active Data Online ListServer http://www.activedataonline.com.au A mailing list server. ListServer is a .NET Windows Service for managing lists, including moderated discussion lists. The system is driven entirely by standard emails and XML. ListServer is ideal for discussing and sharing ideas within a group.
.netCHARTING Enterprise Edition http://www.dotnetcharting.com .netCHARTING seamlessly integrates database access, data aggregation and date handling with dynamic chart rendering. This unique combination of features provides immediate access to your existing data with stunning visuals for all major chart types.
Bokai dotNet Barcode Server Component for ASP.NET http://www.bokai.com Bokai barcode image generator .Net control is a .Net component that generates barcode images in GIF, PNG and JPEG format. It can be used on web servers (ASP.Net) without programming or used as a control in developing native Windows applications.
Introduction to .NET http://www.simonrobinson.com The .NET framework has been plugged by Microsoft as a new programming model for the Internet age. Personally I prefer to think of it as a new programming model for almost everything that is Windows related.
Linux Windows Dedicated servers reseller Unlimited domains web site hosting web space UNIX JSP SQL Cold Fusion Datatransfer SSL http://www.megawebserver.com megawebserver.com is provide web hosting and website promotion for your small business or personal website.Dedicated Servers
ASP & ASP.NET Navigation Components http://www.visualasp.net Classic ASP and ASP.NET Components v5.1. The Component Pack includes the TreeView, ListView, Calendar and TabStrip Components with over 70 sample scripts to get the most out of every property and method from standard HTML output to advanced DHTML out
ASP Journal http://www27.brinkster.com/gaspdev/asp_journal.asp The ASP Journal is a small but powerful journal application written in ASP. The Web based admin layer allows you to administrate your journal over the Web which makes it great for people on the move. The journal is completely skinnable making it easy
LiveSOUP http://livesoup.com/opensmslite.asp This ActiveX Component allows both websites and desktop applications the ability to Send SMS Messages Internationally via a standard Internet connection – There is no additional hardware needed. You can even alter the SenderID of each SMS!
4Guys Database FAQ http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/faqtoc.shtml#Databases Lots of good database info.
ActiveServerPages.com http://www.activeserverpages.com/ One of the first ASP sites and still going strong
ASPA Picture Gallery http://www.aspalliance.com ASPA Picture Gallery allows you to quickly and easily display picture galleries in your ASP.NET web projects. Show off your family photographs, display product pictures, or showcase your property portfolio! Just drag, drop and run!
How to detect ASP Errors http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPErr.asp Detecting ASP errors is a great way to debug your scripts. We show you how you can easily do this.
Show Directory Contents Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-contents.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to list the files in a directory.
Using ASP and HTML Meta TAGS To Make A Dynamic Delay Message http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/dynamic-meta-refresh.asp This is a little trick to display a timed message to the user after doing some sort of task. By mixing some creative ASP with a simple HTML META Refresh you can display a message to a user for a specified period of time and then redirect them back.
FrunderGallery http://www.frunder.com This is a .NET image gallery for developers. Automaticaly generates thumbnails from images in a defined folder, then creates links to larger images. Fully Customizable!
Snitz Forums 2000 http://forum.snitz.com/ Message board originally derived from ASP-DEv Support Forums. These forums are completely database driven and fully customizable. Snitz Forums 2000 can work for your organization to boost customer support and provide a medium of communications for an
ABCUpload .NET http://www.websupergoo.com Uploading files is as simple as ABC with ABCUpload.Net. Our Pure HTML Progress Bar allows your visitors to see the progress of their upload in real time with absolutely no client side software.
csImageFile http://www.chestysoft.com/imagefile/default.asp This ASP component resizes, joins & edits images. Supports JPG, BMP, PNG, PCX & WBMP files and can export to non-LZW GIF. Create composite images by merging, draw text, lines and shapes. Change JPG compression. Crop, rotate, flip, floodfill and more.
csASPUpload http://www.chestysoft.com/upload/default.asp This is an ASP component/dll which allows the uploading of files using html forms and a web browser. It can handle more than one file per form. The files can be saved to disk or to a database as a binary data stream. Files can also be exported into o
.NET or .NOT? http://www.winplanet.com Microsoft is yet again seeking to pioneer a new computing strategy that might take computing to another level. Microsoft calls this new Web development strategy .NET. And with all the hype surrounding, one question lingers: what is .NET?
ASP+ Basics http://www.vbxml.com This presentation will outline this event driven and more structured code by looking at the ASP+ object model and what Web Controls are and how they can be used. Web Control Families and the Web Control Object model are also covered.
XhtmlWebControls.NET http://www.xhtmlwebcontrols.net XhtmlWebControls.NET is a collection of declarative ASP.NET controls that mirror and exceed the functionality of the WebControls contained in the System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace. All the tools you'll need to create XHTML 1.1 ASP.NET websites.
Namespace Reference http://www.go-mono.com Online reference to most of the available namespaces within the .NET framework.
Your First .NET Application http://www.dotnetgenius.com dotNetGenius's James Horan walks you through programming your first .NET application.
The Road to ASP.NET http://aspalliance.com In this article I will discuss some of the advantages of ASP.NET, what has changed, how to get started, and where to look for help. This article is intended for those new to ASP.NET.
Tutorial-web http://www.tutorial-web.com A resource for ASP Tutorials, COM Objects, and Information. There is information to suit any skill level and expand the experience of any ASP programmer.
CMS2003 http://www.cms2003.com The CMS2003, Content Management System is the ideal solution to effectively manage and distribute content through one or more web sites. The CMS2003 system easily incorporates with a variety of languages including .NET, ASP, CF and others.
Aurigma Media Gallery .NET http://www.aurigma.com Media Gallery-the ASP.NET app for fusing media. Slap video, images, audio where and how you want-simple, scalable Aurigma juice-juice to weave that world wide web: hit counts, ratings, email friend, postcard tags, IPTC support, and much more.
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
Tamber http://www.tamber.com The Tamber project is a componentised n-tier toolkit that uses open languages such as XML and JavaScript. In a nutshell, content is stored in separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects; business functions are carried out by JavaScript a
DynamicVb.Net DotNetnuke Tutorials and Resources http://www.dynamicvb.net DynamicVB.Net strives to bring up to date concise information concerning the popular DotNetNuke Open source project along information on using and building applications with Asp.Net and VB.Net
RBarcodeX http://www.java4less.com/activex.html Barcoding activeX. Supports all major 1D symbologies: EAN, UPC, code 128, code 39, PDF417, codabar .... Can be used with VB, ASP, VbScript. It can create a BMP file.
Show The Size Of A Directory Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-size.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to determine the total size of all files in a directory and any sub directories in it. This is handy because sometimes you might want to know just how big your web site is.
DiscountASP.NET: ASP.NET Web Hosting http://www.discountasp.net/go/go.aspx?i=488 DiscountASP.NET offers the best value in ASP/ASP.NET Web Hosting from $10/mo on Windows 2003 servers supporting ASP, ASP.NET, Tons of ASP/ASP.NET Components, VS.NET, SQL 2000, MS Access, FrontPage 2003, ASP.NET control panel, Webmail, Codehind & more
Antechinus C# Programming Editor http://www.c-point.com Antechinus supports the new Microsoft's C# (C Sharp) programming language color-coded syntax and allows you to compile and run applications from the integrated environment.
The ASP.NET Page Object Model http://msdn.microsoft.com Explore the eventing model built around ASP.NET Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML.
ASP Photo Gallery Professional http://www.cjwsoft.com/aspgallery/default.asp Upload unlimited amount of photos, Make categories, Allow others to upload, Import photos in batch, Pic ratings, Postcards, Slideshows, Protected Albums, Image resizing, true thumbnails, supports ASPImage, AspJpeg, & ImgWriter & .NET image processing
askASP.net - CodeAnimal http://www.askasp.net Great place to win FREE stuff, browser through our huge FAQ archive, read an post to the many forums, read ASP.net articles, browser through the resource directory, and much more.
DB Admin Tool in 20 Lines with C# http://www.aspalliance.com Create a 1 page tool with only 20 lines of code that provides access to your tables with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
Tracker http://www.aspintranet.com/ Tracker manages bug tracking, problem reports and trouble tickets, product defects, issues, incidents, and task oriented tracking. Ideal for developers during product development and quality assurance. Full source code upon purchase.
Xara Online Free FrontPage Add-in http://www.zymodules.com/redirect.asp?RedirectID=FP0302 The Xara Online add-in for Microsoft FrontPage allows you to easily include Web Service Applications in to your website. Install a mailing list, add text content that can be dynamically updated wherever you are in the world, manage a database, or cre
.NET 247 Guide http://www.dotnet247.com Use .NET 247's definitive Programmers' Reference to learn about the .NET Framework classes and find other resources on the Web that give examples of how to use them.
ASP.NET Graphical Hit Counter http://www.allscoop.com Create a nice and simple graphical hit counter using only asp.net and msaccess database. This code can easily be modified to fit into your site. This is a pure hit counter, it will count each and every hit..
bugVisor :: Change and Defect Management http://www.bugvisor.com bugVisor is a fully web-based (ASP) solution for change management, bug and defect tracking, project issue collaboration, post release support and help desk with a fully customizable workflow (from emergence to resolution).
Practical ASP.NET http://www.practicalasp.net Practical ASP.NET is dedicated to bringing the development community practical everyday examples and solutions with the Microsoft .NET framework.
Calendar of Events in C# http://dn.yyyz.net I needed a web based even calendar and thanks to the new .Net Calendar Control, the rest was easy. What I ended up with was a nice little event based calendar.
Color Selector Controls http://www.peterblum.com Color Selector Controls provide two controls for use when picking a color. Both provide a DropDownList filled in with the names of known colors. One adds a color box to show the color visually.
ASP Chat v2.0 - FREEWARE http://www.databasetime.com/page.asp?page=aspchat Download this easy to use web based chat. You can use it for free. ASP Chat was downloaded more than 30.000 times so far.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:06 PM
check network, TaskForce, email, voicemail, returned calls, went through web billing to make sure everything has been billed, talked to and setup acheson creations, new site, On and off phone with www.active4.com support for wwwprint and working with Randy to fix wwwprint on our servers, Took some business calls., Resetting modems, answering tech mail., The calls kept coming, sorted the mail and emails to Ken M regarding moving meetings for Paul, Signed up 3 customers and set up their DUN and OE, Rad Log, Dial up Log. Left work early due to the Flu and Strep Throat, Responded to emails, Went to Chris's to take paycheck, went to post office to pick up mail and saw Jackie and got cc batch, Ate dinner., lunch, worked on test, and MOPs, MCLEARS.COM PUBLISHED GRAPHICS TO HTML, SCANNED PHOTOS, MADE PHOTO GALLERY, RESERVATIONS FORM, ABSCOPIERS.COM
, Lunch, updated work request system to make Jason admin and removed Peg's admin, also worked on making it easier to add both programming and design hours at the same time (internal billable, programming), TI Comm Team Mtg, TICC-enter wo numbers to timecard tracking, went to make deposit and drop off paperwork , Finished my conversion code for the realto.com descriptive codes and created and FTP's all required filres to realtor.com for 5 of our existing boards..., Passport training, Bram, Told to read disclaimer for all phone numbers. Tell customers who are paying by CC to e-mail billing to give approval. Still many calls concerning password/usernames...Configured systems for internet., 3 Miles : Fisher Rd. - 135 Park, a couple people with disconnects. general questions, RFP Telergy, why is there not a code for filling out time cards? it takes long enough...haha, Channel, MLS, Training, Crown Point,