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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:35:50 PM
Active Page Generator http://www.webgecko.com/trial Active Page Generator (APGen™) is now the leading programming environment for pre-rendering web pages and generating other content. Pre-rendering yields many benefits, including unrivaled web page performance, superior reliability, reduced web hosti
InstantForum.NET http://www.instantasp.co.uk Unlimited discussion forums, topics and members. WYSIWYG Editor, Full Admin, Member Profiles, User & Forum Search, Email notifications, Managed .NET Assembly, Single configuration file, SQL Server with 100% Stored Procs, Free Support & More
ActiveTarget http://www.jufsoft.com/activetarget/ ActiveTarget is an active server component that allows you easily and accurately lookup country name by IP address and target your internet visitors geographically.
Forms - Populating a check box with info from a database http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/forms-populate-check-box.asp Forms - Populating a check box with info from a database
Using ASP to dynamically change the contents of a frameset http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-frames.asp Here is an example if you wanted to load different pages into your frameset. This will give you the basic idea and then you will be able to adapt this to many situations.
XMl Guestbook http://aspx1.brinkster.com Full working Guestbook and Asp.Net / C# code which uses XML as database.
.NET 247 Guide http://www.dotnet247.com Use .NET 247's definitive Programmers' Reference to learn about the .NET Framework classes and find other resources on the Web that give examples of how to use them.
What is .Net and Where is ASP.NET? http://www.devarticles.com This article is desiged for those you wish to learn a little bit about the .Net framework. Not only will it show you how .Net operates, it will explain where ASP.NET fits in.
e-System http://www.videotwins.com/index.asp?folder=web_development&file=e_system.xml e-System is an extensive backend solution. Allows additions, modifications, and deletions of pages, page content, images, prices, lists, and site settings using a browser. This is the most extensive solution on the market today.
The ASP.NET QuickStart http://www.aspfree.com ASP.NET is a rich programming framework for building web-based applications. It offers outstanding support for both developers and administrators, providing improved ease-of-use, tool support, reliability, scalability, administration and security.
Digital Interactive Limited http://www.digital-interactive.com Digital Interactive Limited provides premium quality hosting and web design solutions for small to medium sized businesses as well as professional and home users. We’re 100% dedicated in bringing you the highest levels of service possible.
ASP.NET Mobile Barcode Professional http://www.neodynamic.com/Products/BCMWebC/BarcodeMobileWebControl.aspx?tabid=22&prodid=2 Barcode images for ASP.NET Mobile Web Applications. It generates the most popular linear and 2D barcode symbologies. It renders the barcode image for each mobile device in the preferred image format by each of them.
TripleASP.Net Upload Assembly http://TripleASP.Net The TAN Upload Assembly is a open source assembly designed to enable upload capiblities to any ASP.Net page, even easier than ASP.Net makes it for you. In addition, you will also learn about using an abstract class, overloading a method, inheriting.
15 Seconds http://www.15seconds.com/ Tons of NT and ASP related news.
Graphics for WAP http://www.tonec.com/download4/wap.html This article describes how to turn your IIS Web Server to a WAP server that creates WBMP images on the fly. The article consists of 3 parts. First part describes how to configure IIS. Second part tells you about how to create WBMP images on the fly.
PowerASP.com simple ASP Based Hit Counter System http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/hit-counter.asp This is a simple "ASP Based" hit counter solution and is available as a fully functional download.
Getting Started with ASP.NET http://www.ngcode.com An introduction to ASP.NET
ASP Cookies http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPCookies.asp The internet cookie in its simplest way: The Response.cookies will let us set a cookie. The Request.cookies will let us call that cookie.
"Hello World" ASP.NET Sample Code http://www.asp101.com Not quite your basic "Hello World" script, this one shows four different ways of getting the text onto the page.
Dundas Chart http://www.dundas.com Dundas Chart - ASP.NET Professional Edition is a fully managed, CLR (Common Language Runtime) compliant charting component taking full advantage of Visual Studio's design time support and is designed for ASP.NET development.
Tracker http://www.aspintranet.com/ Tracker manages bug tracking, problem reports and trouble tickets, product defects, issues, incidents, and task oriented tracking. Ideal for developers during product development and quality assurance. Full source code upon purchase.
Practical ASP.NET http://www.practicalasp.net Practical ASP.NET is dedicated to bringing the development community practical everyday examples and solutions with the Microsoft .NET framework.
MS SQL Reporting Services Barcode .NET http://www.neodynamic.com/Products/BCRS/BarcodeRS.aspx?tabid=78&prodid=7 Renders barcode images in formats such as GIF, JPG/JPEG, BMP, and PNG.Linear & 2D Barcode Symbologies. It supports all export file formats such as PDF, TIFF, Web Archive, and Excel. Rotation and Auto-Size support. No complex configurations...
Five Steps to Getting Started with ASP.NET http://msdn.microsoft.com In this first column we’re going to walk through the five steps to getting started with ASP.NET. In later columns we will explore some of the cool features found in ASP.NET, such as: changes in deployment, state management and process model.
ASP.Net Marquee Webcontrol http://www.silkwebware.net This Multi-browser Marquee Webcontrol renders a rectangular banner region of moving/scrolling text or html allowing many different movement behaviours. Supports IE 4.0+(including IE based AOL versions) and NS 6.0+ (Gecko based browsers AOL 7.0 etc)
Jan http://www.jancw.dk/portal1/default.asp ASP Portal, Links, News, Articles, Books and other stuff related to ASP and Web design. Other language like html, javascripts and VB-scripts. Discussion forum for user of the site.
Web Development in Visual Studio.NET with ASP.NET http://www.idevresource.com In this article I give you a brief overview of the changes in Visual Studio.NET that will benefit web developers. I then go on and discuss how ASP developers can prepare for the next generation of ASP: ASP.NET
Xceed Zip for .NET http://www.xceedsoft.com Written for pure .NET developmentXceed Zip for .NET is a true native class library for the .NET framework that lets your .NET applications create and manipulate industry standard zip files as well as perform a variety of data compression tasks.
HardCore Web Content Editor - ASP.NET http://editor.hardcoreinternet.co.uk Feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor, which enables anybody to create, edit and update website content. No need to download or install on the client side. WYSIWYG, Plain and HTML editing modes and a DOM inspector provide full control.
WebEdit Professional http://www.webedpro.com WebEdit Pro is a powerful browser-based website management application with file management and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing. Enables any non-technical user (No HTML or FTP knowledge required) to create, edit and update their entire
ASP Commander v.1 http://www.databasetime.com/page.asp?page=aspcommander HIGH-END file manager for WinNT (ASP) platrofm. ASP commander turns your standard browser into a "NortonCommander" like file manager. You can use it to remote file managment on your server. You can copy, move, upload, delete files and folders. Text e
Server Side Form Validation http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/server_side_form_validation.asp Here is a simple example of how to do server side form validation. It will give you the general idea and then you can make it as complex as you want to.
ASP.NET Tutorial http://it.maconstate.edu This is a start-up tutorial that will be expanded as time and talent permit. Is is presumed that the reader already has familiarity with ASP and with the basics of server-side scripting.
HTML code reduction script http://www.asptutorial.info/script/codereduction This ASP script will allow you to reduce the file size of your html pages so that they will be transfer faster to your visitors. Free and easy to understand.
Online Menu System for Restaurants http://www.risenow.com An online menu system that will allow your customers to place orders online. How It Works? 1.Your customer places an order online from your menu & website. 2.You receive your customers order via fax and/or email and prepare it for take-out...
Advanced Password Pro http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/advanced-password-protection.asp Full source code provided, No DLLs, Web Based Administration, Multiple Access Levels, Users Can Expire, Advanced Record Cycling & Sorting Features, Log Off Feature. Easy to add to existing projects as well as a great starting point for any new projec
DotNetISP.com http://www.dotnetisp.com Dotnet Hosting : the first french dotnet hosting service. 15 days trial account. Plans from 20 euros No setup fees
DynamicVb.Net DotNetnuke Tutorials and Resources http://www.dynamicvb.net DynamicVB.Net strives to bring up to date concise information concerning the popular DotNetNuke Open source project along information on using and building applications with Asp.Net and VB.Net
Meditating Upon the ASP.NET Code-Behind Model http://www.developer.com With the first alpha of ASP.NET 2.0 just around the corner, the debate about the effective goodness of code-behind seems to be close to its end.
4Guys Database FAQ http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/faq/faqtoc.shtml#Databases Lots of good database info.
ASP ECHO Pay Form http://www.echopay.com Accept Credit Cards and Checks with this online payment processing order form - Just Include ECHO PAYFORM in your secure website and you're ready to go! ECHO (www.echo-inc.com) merchant account required. Available in Cold Fusion, PHP, and ASP.
FingerTips http://www.loudasp.com/FingerTips/index.asp Fingertips in short is a product that allows you the ability to offer your users the option to create web sites on your site. Much like Geocities, this program gives your users an online browser interface in which to grow and build their site.
Generic ADO Access http://www.maxvirtual.com/opensrc.aspx MaxVirtual.Data is an ADO.net library enabling Database independent and multi database .net development. Easily swap your databases from Oracle, SqlServer, MySql, Postgres, etc. just by changing connection string.
ASP.NET Guestbook using VB.NET(Source included) using a DLL http://aspfree.com ASP.NET Guestbook using VB.NET (Source included) using a DLL.
The ASP.NET Page Object Model http://msdn.microsoft.com Explore the eventing model built around ASP.NET Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML.
ISPCheck http://www.hostguild.com ISPCheck is a one-stop marketplace for Internet Services for webmasters and businesses. Updated each day, it offers great deals on web hosting, domain registration and connectivity. Visit ISPCheck today and save $$$
Using ASP to determine the Physical Path Of Your Virtual Website http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/physical-path.asp Here is an example if you are hosting your Domain on some random ISP and you want to know the structure of the web site without asking them.
ASP & Arrays http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPArrays.asp What is an array? - Think of an array as a block of information. Or information that is linked under a common name. The links or blocks are called cells. Confused? Ok here is a what an array looks like:
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
Beginners Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.codeproject.com An article giving basic introduction to ASP.NET ,Underlying technologies and Advantages of ASP.NET over ASP.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:35:50 PM
Applebee's, check voice mail and email/create work order for clayton chamber -design for mugs and posters
send info to tom duuning for chris brynpartridge berry inn- wet up web triaining
, Preparing planning for AAA changes. Talked w/ Randy, AAA, and Jim Crowley, set up computers for jeff, went thru Watertown interoffice mail and supplies, Watertown Times - Canton router config, Successfullly implemented wireless and PPPoE w/ Cisco router for Plattsburgh and for future wireless sites, CHECK ON WORK, Working on revamping of timecard system, Cortlandmls.com called w/complaint about dialup access. Called tech support and NOC to see if there was a problem, then called Cortland back to say that all looks okay., Voice mail call backs, Meet with Eric Mower and Associates, Talked to Kelly about his new desk, lack of phone, lack of connection to network, Picked up mail and opened. Posted accounts and counted the cash drawer. Ans. phone and customer inquiries and waited on thecustomer traffic coming into the office., Worked on the SoftVendor site. Completed a few of my errors and moved along a little further. Changed the database name so I had to spend some time going through and updating the changes properly, Send e-mail to Channel Partners about e-commerce class, Documentation, phone calls, email, timecard, phones, radlog, dial up issues, , mtg with Xerox - researching color printing solutions..., St. Lawrence Health Alliance re: how their billing works and cancelled circuit., Duties:Callbacks from voicemail, answering phones, checking billing emails, taking sign ups and cancellations, , Programming Ogdensburg POP Frame to work., Help Matt run CAT5 in my office, Fixing an RNA problem on 686-4911., Nortel Training - DMS Translations, sunrixe, Move stuff out of truck and into the office; take TV and VCR to Herald Bldg Conference Room; got files, etc. in order., technical support supervisor duties. helped techs with issues, maintained and managed --- qlight, radlog, new user call backs, expired user call backs, dial up issues, ask us a questions, voice mail, emails, emonitor, NOC calls, follow ups on noc and customers, customer calls in, calls made out to the customer, radlog, open incidents...., check voice mail-
speak with rustic furniture- alhemiseer agency
send email to kelly for baldwinsvilel chamber
work with desighner son web site info and beth-