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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:04 PM
Common ASP+ Questions http://www.4guysfromrolla.com What are the system requirements needed to run ASP+?, Will I need/be able to write ISAPI DLLs with ASP+?, Will I be able to run ASP+ pages on IIS 4 or PWS, or is IIS 5 needed?. Here are some common beginner-level questions, and their answers.
DB2ASP v3.6 http://www.db2asp.com DB2ASP converts and publishes your database to dynamic web pages. DB2ASP creates ASP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in minutes, saving hours or even days of work! You can view/add/edit/delete you data via any browser. DB2ASP is for non-programmers and pr
Xsite CMS http://www.xsitecms.com Xsite CMS ($ 95) is a easy to use, professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP (No DLLs). Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Template Based (Use your favourite HTML editor to create your sites look), work-flow, Unlimited
HTTP Commander http://www.http-com.com Powerfull web based file manager for IIS webservers. It has excellent WIN XP design, FULL SECURITY, Main features: CUT, COPY, DELETE, PASTE, RENAME, EDIT and Advanced: disk QUOTA, ZIP/UNZIP, UNDO, UPLOAD with progress bar, shortest HTML code(good fo
ASP.NET Side-by-Side Execution of .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 http://www.asp.net This article describes how to configure ASP.NET applications for side-by-side execution along with detailed steps.
Getting Started With ASP.NET http://www.devasp.net A Sample Chapter from "Beginning ASP.NET using VB.NET". by Wrox.
Authorize.Net Gateway How to http://www.loudasp.com/howto/MiscAuthorizeNetGateway.asp This shows you how to interface with the Authorize.net gateway which allows you to process credit cards in real time and charge that card X amount of dollars.
ASP ECHO Pay Form http://www.echopay.com Accept Credit Cards and Checks with this online payment processing order form - Just Include ECHO PAYFORM in your secure website and you're ready to go! ECHO (www.echo-inc.com) merchant account required. Available in Cold Fusion, PHP, and ASP.
SGColorCombo Beta 1 http://www.stinga.com The SGColorCombo control allows the user to select a color from a drop down palette. It was written with VB.NET and is available for download here.
2eNetWorX Table Editor http://www.2enetworx.com/dev/projects/tableeditor.asp This app has Support for SQL Server and DSN; Support for multiple primary keys; Support for NT4 systems which sometimes causes problems with Unicode characters; Delete multiple records; More information about tables, views and procedures & more!
Microsoft's Web Data Administrator http://www.microsoft.com The Web Data Administrator is a utility program implemented in ASP.NET that enables you to easily manage your SQL Server data wherever you are.
ASP.NET Barcode Server Control http://www.idautomation.com These advanced server controls allow the creation of barcodes on the Internet from your ASP web application as high quality JPEG graphic images - they do not use fonts. Supports several barcode types including Code 128, ITF, Code 3 of 9, and more...
What is .Net and Where is ASP.NET? http://www.devarticles.com This article is desiged for those you wish to learn a little bit about the .Net framework. Not only will it show you how .Net operates, it will explain where ASP.NET fits in.
Show Directory Contents Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-contents.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to list the files in a directory.
Active Page Generator http://www.webgecko.com/trial Active Page Generator (APGen™) is now the leading programming environment for pre-rendering web pages and generating other content. Pre-rendering yields many benefits, including unrivaled web page performance, superior reliability, reduced web hosti
.netCoders http://www.dotnetcoders.com .netCoders assists developers in learning and applying .NET tools and techniques for their projects through code samples, articles, and case studies full of reusable code.
ACCESS DATABASES ( DSN vs DSN-LESS ) http://www.powerasp.com/content/database/dsn_vs_dnsless.asp If you are using an ACCESS Database try to avoid using a system DSN. They are much slower because they go through ODBC which then uses the Jet Drivers to access the database. They also have to do a registry lookup.
Amazon Search Module http://jeffmyers.net Include Amazon's catalog search in your portal with the Amazon Keyword Search Module. This module is designed for the VB.Net SDK version of Microsoft's Starter Kit.
ASP.NET Roadmap http://support.microsoft.com This article provides a roadmap to learning and mastering ASP.NET. Roadmap articles provide links to useful information, including online documentation, Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, and Microsoft white papers.
TrackingAll Client http://net.intranext.it TrackingAll Client is a free ASP.net application that works with the TrackingAll Web Service: the tracking system to track orders, delivering, shipping etc. Tracking history, cutomers access reports and tracking e-mail notification are support.
ASPProtect http://www.ASPProtect.com Easily add password protection to any ".asp" page within your web site. Web based administration so you can manage users and their access. All pages you want to protect simply need one server side include at the top of each page.
Simple Password Protection http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/simple-password-protection.asp If you just need to password protect a single page or a series of pages and you don't need multiple users this simple code can be pasted at the top of the page or pages.
Authoring an ASP.NET Page http://www.aspalliance.com Covers the fundamentals of building ASP.NET pages using a text editor.
Khanh Code Library http://www.kprofile.com Collection of over 180 code snippets. Covering everything from converting your .NET datasets to creating custom configuration in Web.Config. Well worth a look.
iNextLib - .NET DB namespace http://net.intranext.it iNextLib makes easy to get data for your ASP.NET web solutions. Without SQL knowledge you can: select, insert, update, delete, count, call stored procedure and much more! 9 public methods to perform basic and professional SQL database queries.
ASP.NET - What it is and why we needed it http://www.tconsult.com ASP.NET is the full scale revision to the ASP technology based on the new .NET framework. It is not Active Server Pages Part 4. This article highlights some of the main advantages available with ASP.NET
Getting Started with ASP.net http://aspfree.com ASP+ introduces an entire suite of Webcontrols, most are close to HTML elements and some are completely new such as the Calendar control, DataGrid to name a few...
Prevent viewing of javascript and stylesheets http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=7252&lngWId=4 Prevent unauthorized viewing of website javascript and style sheet files.
ShoutBox in Flash http://www.shoutboxinflash.com Shoutboxinflash.com offer shoutbox which is used as live guestbook and a chat application on your site on any page of the site. Copy and paste the code to entire site pages and your guesbook will be available from entire site.
UltraApps Issue Manager http://www.UltraApps.com FREE Web-based Issue/Bug/Task Tracking with Source Code in ASP and ASP.NET/C# . Features include: Issue Tracking, Response History, Excel Export, Bookmarks, Search, and more...
Dundas Chart http://www.dundas.com Dundas Chart - ASP.NET Professional Edition is a fully managed, CLR (Common Language Runtime) compliant charting component taking full advantage of Visual Studio's design time support and is designed for ASP.NET development.
Advance Service Manager-ASM http://www.vyapin.com/products/enterprisenetworktools/asm.htm Advanced Service Manager (ASM) helps manage Services on NT machines, across the enterprise from a single machine at the same time. ASM provides a power-packed set of features to perform the basic as well as more advanced and complex operations, thus
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
What is ASP.NET http://www.kickinasp.net This article explains what is ASP.NET and what it brings to the table as far as web development.
ASP.NET Basics (part 3): Hard Choices http://aspfree.com In this third part of our introductory ASP.NET tutorial, learn all about C#'s logical and comparison operators with simple examples and illustrations.
Aurigma FlashChart http://www.aurigma.com The best things in life happen in a flash. Shouldn't your presentations share the excitement? The Aurigma .NET FlashChart component creates Macromedia Flash animated charts with all the variety and quality available with this powerful tool.
ASP.NET Page Framework Overview http://support.microsoft.com This article provides an introduction to the ASP.NET page framework. The ASP.NET page framework is a scalable programming model that you can use on the server to dynamically generate Web pages.
ASP.NET ContextMenu http://www.gotdotnet.com A ContextMenu for ASP.NET. Allows a developer to handle menu item clicks either server-side or client-side. Fully configurable.
SiteWorkz CMS Lite http://www.zidekick.com SiteWorkz CMS Lite is a easy to use, professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP (No DLLs). Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Template Based ,Easy to Install, 100% ASP Script, Complete Source Code included. Access/MySQ
Ping IP http://warhound.com/ASP/pingip.htm Ping IP is an exceptional Internet networking tool that allows a user to ping one, a category, or all IP devices in the database. The admin functions allow the user to add, edit, or delete an IP device through the web. All data is stored in Access.
Beginners Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.codeproject.com An article giving basic introduction to ASP.NET ,Underlying technologies and Advantages of ASP.NET over ASP.
bugVisor :: Change and Defect Management http://www.bugvisor.com bugVisor is a fully web-based (ASP) solution for change management, bug and defect tracking, project issue collaboration, post release support and help desk with a fully customizable workflow (from emergence to resolution).
ASP Painter .NET http://dotnet.asppainter.com/ ASPPainter .NET can be used to create new and edit existing images. Since the component works with several images at the same time, you can copy, resize, rotate, merge image parts, and use images as painting brushes. Complete source code is available
.NET in 24 Minutes http://www.ngcode.com This article explains .NET, its components, and its importance in a straightforward way. Additionally, it serves as a reference to all the .NET technical jargon.
myLittleAdmin SQL Server version http://www.mylittletools.net/scripts/mla_sql myLittleAdmin is a web-based Database administration tool. myLittleAdmin allows you to completely manage the tables, fields, and indexes structure as well as the actual record content.You can also use myLittleAdmin to execute any SQL command (includi
Calendar of Events in C# http://dn.yyyz.net I needed a web based even calendar and thanks to the new .Net Calendar Control, the rest was easy. What I ended up with was a nice little event based calendar.
M6.net http://www.m6.net/add.asp Since 1997 M6.net offers the best value in ASP/ASP.NET Web Hosting Starting from $4/mo, 250Mb disk space, 20 GB bandwidth on Windows 2003 servers supporting PHP,Perl,CGI,MY SQL,MSSql, ASP/ASP.NET Components,MS Access,FrontPage,control panel, webmail.
Guestbook in C# http://dn.yyyz.net This application was adopted from Steve Schofield's original VB Guestbook DotNet application - I converted it to C# and added a few features that work better for me.
Starting with ASP.NET basics http://www.aspxtoday.com This article is intended for beginners who want to start with ASP.NET. If you have experience with eariler version of Active Server Pages and you have not been exposed to the new ASP.NET then it will help to start working with ASP.NET Today.
CoolTip Server Control http://rose.ojicree.com It's just like a tooltip, only you can customize the appearance with html or css! CoolTip does not currently support visual IDEs such as Visual Studio .NET.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:04 PM
weekly staff meeting, answer mail/voice mail- go over changes, Tom says GiSCO hot links not showing up. Checking problem. Problem is his cookies are setup to display national page. Found error in cookie setting link off home page, window opens then closes before allowing an area code to be entered. Informing Steve so can fix., Brad- GAmble distributors - hotlinks and banner ad- info
voice mail- email answer and print
do timecards for last week
Mike Looney- info for web sites and non-profit agency- need to speak on clarification for these organizations
Caskinette auto- phil- password for front page- send third time go over info with phil
Iron Block- Judy- speak with joel- info for website
Bob Shaw- send out proposla for grays flower shop
John Murphy- advertising- fax fp access
Schmerhorn- changes for web sitemeeting for halh hour
John murphy send info emailfor password for frontpage
Jim Naklick- schedule appoinment for tuesday- set up new acount
, **working on bram site, Go to Watertown to meet with Jeff and Northern Health Net, quality checked sign ups, cancellations, reports, callback from voicemail, checked emails. taking signups, answering phone trained Mary in billng emails, , general site design research, HB entered and paid bills, **Agency Ideas, Reviewed ASP & Interdev Manuals - Reviewed Soft Grades Project w/ Tim L., UNE Training, Update from Kelly on his health., troubleshoot jammed wireless, email/voicemail, competed customer referral coupons up to date; answered phone; made copies of installation booklet, wo 99-49, call Bell and Network Services concerning DLCIs' for GiSCO side of UCP frame links, reconcile ckbk w/ Terri, Emails, Phone, Answered phones, worked on setting up and importing outlook and exchange, read and sent emails, Worked on the Budget and Time cards, tested fixed some simple database errors, worked on cutting over routing and t1 of applied theory to the as5800, On and off the phone with the lead support manager at IEA-software discussing with him are billing problem, the problem with switching credit card customers, the problem with the operators' table being cleared and deleted invoices in ICVerify still being posted as paid when batched back into Emerald, ws trkr u/d, review workorders for close out, worked on minutes/updates and actions-first draft to Paul, Contact Paul Haggett at Massena Chamber and prepare information to mail to him, benefit issues,