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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:32:40 PM
Active Data Online SearchEngine http://www.activedataonline.com.au A hypertextual .NET search engine, comprising the search engine, a data management console, a crawler and an indexer. SearchEngine uses its own data store and is cost effective.
Tracker http://www.aspintranet.com/ Tracker manages bug tracking, problem reports and trouble tickets, product defects, issues, incidents, and task oriented tracking. Ideal for developers during product development and quality assurance. Full source code upon purchase.
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
Real-World ASP http://www.realworldasp.net This site is all about real ASP web development problems and practical solutions. The aim is for you to benefit from my experiences, and those that I get to hear about it.
ZBit Windows32 API http://www.zbitinc.com/product.asp?prodid=10 COM component (DLL) with API to transfer files to and from an FTP server with one function call, log on, impersonating anonymous user, create objects remotely, and do Sleep – all, from within ASP pages. Written in multithreaded C++. All, for just $9
vioCLICKS.com http://www.vioclicks.com vioCLICKS offers an accurate and reliable Web site traffic counter and audience measurement tool that provides detailed traffic analysis for Webmasters in real time. The stats include: unique visitors, total impressions, reloads and return visitors
scottgu: asp.net tips and tricks http://www.eraserver.com This site contains a semi-random collection of samples and tips/tricks that I've posted on various listservs and newsgroups about ASP.NET and the .NET Framework.
ASP.NET - What it is and why we needed it http://www.tconsult.com ASP.NET is the full scale revision to the ASP technology based on the new .NET framework. It is not Active Server Pages Part 4. This article highlights some of the main advantages available with ASP.NET
Beginning ASP.Net with C# http://www.aspalliance.com Hello all, I have started my journey down the ASP.Net lane, I decided to go with C# instead of VB.net. What I am going to do here is give you some my experience with it along with my trial and error's.
ASP.NET Beta 1 to Beta 2 Changes http://msdn.microsoft.com In this month's column, we'll focus on the major changes in ASP.NET between Beta 1 and Beta 2. This is important information, both in terms of updating your code, or if you simply want to start using ASP.NET.
Namespace Reference http://www.go-mono.com Online reference to most of the available namespaces within the .NET framework.
Checking Pages For No Data Posted http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/check-page-for-no-data.asp Users of you site sometimes get a nasty error message when they somehow manage to get to the page a form posts to without actually posting to the form or sometimes just a page that is linked to from another page with querystring info like so. ?ID=236
Longhorn Frequently Asked Questions http://www.c-sharpcorner.com In this article, I cover some of the frequently asked questions about Longhorn and related technologies.
AbyssLabs.INIFile http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/inifile.phtml This component provides methods to save/restore data in INI files.
Tour Calendar With Detail Section http://developer.swartzentruber.net Tour Calendar - Display tour dates on calendar control from database. Display date detail in IFRAME by event or by day.
LiquidOnline.net Hosting http://www.liquidonline.net We specialize in ASP.NET web hosting and support MS SQL server. Our MS SQL server hosting plans start at only £14.99 per month.
askASP.net - CodeAnimal http://www.askasp.net Great place to win FREE stuff, browser through our huge FAQ archive, read an post to the many forums, read ASP.net articles, browser through the resource directory, and much more.
Include Example http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/includes.asp Server-side includes give you a way to insert the content of another file into a file before the server processes it.
WebEdit Professional http://www.webedpro.com WebEdit Pro is a powerful browser-based website management application with file management and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing. Enables any non-technical user (No HTML or FTP knowledge required) to create, edit and update their entire
Commonly asked .NET questions http://www.aspalliance.com This article discusses about some of the commonly asked questions about the installation of ASP .NET V1.0.
Source4Developers Forums http://www.source4developers.com/forum/ You can post or reply to a thread in the forum or even post comments and news about asp, html, sql, databases, browsers, etc.
Graphical Text http://www.vbtrain.net Visual Studio.NET does not have a visual method of creating graphical or rotated text consisting of gradients, textures, or hatch patterns. This component aims to offer this ability.
ASP - IIS real-time monitor http://www.motobit.com/help/iistrace/iis-monitor.asp IISTracer is a real-time monitoring tool for Microsoft IIS scripts (.asp, .cgi,..), static files (.htm,.gif,..), downloads (.mp3,.zip,..) and uploads. Shows online current status and progress of each running request in IIS, lets you log current IIS s
SOTINET Developer http://www.sotinet.com/devsuitcase.asp Built for the ASP developer, it is comprised of high-performance COM objects, perfectly safe for use in a multithreaded environment like Microsoft Internet Information Server without compromising scalability. Similar with Microsoft Site Server 3.0 C
ChitChat.NET http://www.clickcess.com ChitChat.NET is an ASP.NET based discussion forum designed specifically for SQL Server.
ASP.NET Overview http://superexpert.com ASP.NET is Microsoft's next generation of Active Server Pages. It's Microsoft's flagship technology for building Web sites. This article highlights the benefits of .NET.
TeeChart.NET http://www.berneda.com TeeChart's 100% native C#.NET component offers several chart types with a choice of flat or 3D. These charts look visually stunning.
aspx Forum http://hosting.gotdotnet.ru aspx Forum is free, fast, easy to use message board application that runs on IIS+ .NET platform, and uses MS SQL Server 2000 database. 3 main forum layouts, multiple boards, user & message ratings and much more.
CMS2003 http://www.cms2003.com The CMS2003, Content Management System is the ideal solution to effectively manage and distribute content through one or more web sites. The CMS2003 system easily incorporates with a variety of languages including .NET, ASP, CF and others.
LiveSOUP http://livesoup.com/opensmslite.asp This ActiveX Component allows both websites and desktop applications the ability to Send SMS Messages Internationally via a standard Internet connection – There is no additional hardware needed. You can even alter the SenderID of each SMS!
A brief intro to ASP.NET http://flws.com.au "In this article I will give you a brief run-down on what ASP.NET is, what it means to programmers used to programming in ASP 'classic' and I'll also give you some pointers to where you can go to learn more about ASP.NET..."
Show The Size Of A Directory Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-size.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to determine the total size of all files in a directory and any sub directories in it. This is handy because sometimes you might want to know just how big your web site is.
"Hello World" ASP.NET Sample Code http://www.asp101.com Not quite your basic "Hello World" script, this one shows four different ways of getting the text onto the page.
ASPNextGen http://www.aspnextgen.com AspNextGen.com is a destination website that is a resource for the emerging Microsoft ASP.NET community. Our positioning within the .NET community allows us to bring educational materials and tools to developers in the ASP.NET development arena.
Corewebsoft website tracker ASP.NET http://www.corewebsoft.com/order_website_tracker.aspx ASP.NET application/script for high-volume web site tracking and comprehensive web stats. You can spy on your visitors and see what they do in a real time! Invisible to your visitors. Available as a hosted service too. Free 15-day trial/demo.
Codefixer http://www.codefixer.com Resources and tutorials for the beginner to intermediate ASP developer.
ActivComport http://www.activxperts.com/activcomport ActivComport is a high-performance, comprehensive COM component for serial, asynchronous communications from any ASP, VB or other COM environment applications. ActivComport can control modems and other devices and machines that have a serial interf
Your First .NET Application http://www.dotnetgenius.com dotNetGenius's James Horan walks you through programming your first .NET application.
IntrChart v4.5 http://www.compsysaus.com.au/IntrChart IntrChart includes Bar, Line, Pie, Dot, Stacked, Trend, Projection, Area and Sliding (Medical/Financial) charts, as well as drill-down HotSpots which let you link to other web sites and pages. A free evaluation and example source code means you can t
Show Directory Contents Using ASP http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/show-directory-contents.asp This is an example of using the FileSystemObject to list the files in a directory.
Snitz Forums 2000 http://forum.snitz.com/ Message board originally derived from ASP-DEv Support Forums. These forums are completely database driven and fully customizable. Snitz Forums 2000 can work for your organization to boost customer support and provide a medium of communications for an
Aurigma Media Gallery .NET http://www.aurigma.com Media Gallery-the ASP.NET app for fusing media. Slap video, images, audio where and how you want-simple, scalable Aurigma juice-juice to weave that world wide web: hit counts, ratings, email friend, postcard tags, IPTC support, and much more.
Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer http://www.flesk.net Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer is a unique technology that overrides sending ViewState object to your client's browser! This means that your client's browser will no longer receive those large hidden field values, which thus reducing downloading time.
ASPProtect http://www.ASPProtect.com/ ASPProtect is an Advanced User Managment Application with web based screens that allow you to easily manage users and their access. Any pages you want to protect simply need one server side include at the top of the page. Pure ASP solution.
ASPMaker http://www.hkvstore.com/aspmaker ASPMaker is an automation tool that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database or any ODBC Data Source. Using the generated ASP, users can view, edit, search, add and delete records in the database e
Hello World: An Anatomy of an ASP .NET Project http://www.asp101.com Ever since Kernighan and Ritchie wrote a program to display "Hello World" in the C language, programming has never been the same. In this article, we will write a "Hello World" script and explain all the code that goes into it.
nGallery v1.0 http://www.ngallery.org nGallery is a FREEWARE, OPEN SOURCE implementation of a image gallery written purely in managed .NET and C#.
AutoImageEffects http://www.unitedbinary.com AutoImageEffects .NET Component is a web server component which does a wide range of image processing. Among the options are resizing, rotating, flipping, blurring, sharpening, drawing text, and rectangles. Now .Net Beta 2 Compatible!
The Website Utility http://www.winnershtriangle.com/w/Products.TheWebsiteUtility.asp Examines websites for broken links and missing content. Internal web crawler includes ASP session support.
Eraserver.NET http://www.eraserver.net Eraserver offers public hosting accounts for .NET webs. Now you can get your own .NET pages up and running for as little as $9.95 per month.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:32:40 PM
O'Briens, Worked on new MLS software till 4am when I think I fell asleep in my chair. Woke up at 9 am half on the floor and now my back hurts bad., NOC coverage, research on wireless site improvements, Wants mail forwarded from imcnet.net to new gisco account user cannot access site for ftp Username and password are not working. Had mail account on kenny @ imcnet.net --> moved to gisco 2 abscopiers.com, called Karen Fisk in regards to her mail server being down....she took care of it, Called all 5 voice mails that were left from earlier in the day, enter bills, Setup DUN for customer, checked e-mail for another customer, she thought she had e-mail but non was to be found. Another customer wanted the watertown numbers., Pdam to Wat'n = 55 mi, Supv mtg, worked on emails and such. catch up on web stuff for beth and chris., Many servers went down all at once just as my shift started. Linda called seth and everything back to normal in about 20 minutes. started to get calls in regards to the severs down. Recieved other calls as well not related to servers down. At 1:02 8 more servers went down. seth was called and he had it all up in no time., Small change to baldwinsvillechamber.com membership rates. Wrote them back and told them that next time we would charge (did not charge this time because relations are strained)., organized equipement for Syracuse installation, assisted Beth with NOC duties, Preston and Nate from Alpha Prompt, lunch, *TaskForce: Test and Debug Current Coligo.Net build, finished up cortland MLS site, Outstanding tech calls, very difficult problems but was still able to handle. Signed up 1 new customer, Checked online issues. All caught up, lunch, JOHNSONLUMBERLLC.COM CONTINUED GRAPHIC DESIGN OF BOTH LAYOUTS SPECIFICALLY PHOTOSHOP WORK ON LOGHOMES PAGE, Also checked online reports, email,
and rad log., more phone calls to Nortel with Howard Randy and Darrell concerning the soup incident and the rudeness and bad attitude displayed by Todd the Nortel team leader., email/voicemail, 95 Miles : Watertown - Potsdam - Canton/Potsdam Hospital Meeting, morning check-in: check and reply to e-mail, BioTek / VaxData: Time estimate for Sales Order Report , break,