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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:30:54 PM
Alentus ASP.NET Hosting http://www.alentus.com We support more than 30 popular ASP components, free SSL, XML/XSL, WAP, and ASP.NET hosting. Our technical support experts are available around the clock and we offer an attractive Reseller Plan. Our Win2K Economy Plan starts at $9.95/mo.
rjsNetworks http://www.rjsnetworks.com Complete Application Service Provider offering .NET hosting with high speed Internet Access. Flexible outsourced IT solutions for your business. ISP with 56k-8Mbps capability.
ASP Store Locator http://www.wdnw.com/zipcode.asp Wouldnt it be nice if your website included the ability for your customers to type in their ZIP Code and be able to find the stores closest to them. Well now you can with ASP Store Locator code and database. Simply purchase ASP STORE LOCATOR and
Your First User Control http://www.flws.com.au In this article I hope to give you an understanding of the basics of how to use User controls in your projects.
Franklins.net http://www.franklins.net Based in New London, Connecticut, we offer expertise in web development on the Microsoft .NET platform, system design and development, developer training and mentoring, and .NET site hosting.
Community QuickStart Tutorial http://www.asp-grandrapids.net Comprehensive quickstart guide. Introduces Web Forms, Server Controls and Web Services.
FingerTips http://www.loudasp.com/fingertips The first and original ASP software application that empowers webmaster and web designers alike, to offer their users the ability to build their own web sites. Much like Geocities. This is an intuitive, robust, and feature packed software solution th
Admin Report Kit-ARK http://www.vyapin.com/products/enterprisenetworktools/ark.htm Admin Report Kit (ARK)™ is a powerful, general-purpose reporting tool for the Microsoft Enterprise Network. ARK presents information, about logical entities present in the Microsoft Enterprise Network, in the form of Trees, Tables and Views. All cate
ADEX Registry http://www.vyapin.com/products/developercomponents/adexreg.htm ADEX™ Registry is a COM component that enables application developers of Microsoft technology to access the system registry from their application code. ADEX™ Registry has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providing users fast access to the regist
TripleASP.Net Upload Assembly http://TripleASP.Net The TAN Upload Assembly is a open source assembly designed to enable upload capiblities to any ASP.Net page, even easier than ASP.Net makes it for you. In addition, you will also learn about using an abstract class, overloading a method, inheriting.
ASPBanner http://www.ASPBanner.com/ ASPBanner can rotate Image Banners, Custom HTML, and Flash Banners. Keep detailed statistics for your advertisers. Pure ASP solution, no Dlls need to be installed on the server. 6 methods of calling banners makes this compatible with existing code.
An Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.devguru.com ASP.NET offers a novel programming model and infrastructure that facilitates a powerful new class of applications. ASP.NET is a compiled. NET-based environment, so one can author applications in any .NET compatible language.
e-System http://www.videotwins.com/index.asp?folder=web_development&file=e_system.xml e-System is an extensive backend solution. Allows additions, modifications, and deletions of pages, page content, images, prices, lists, and site settings using a browser. This is the most extensive solution on the market today.
p2p http://p2p.wrox.com/ P2P is a programming resource center from Wrox Press. There are great resources here.
Active Traffic Pay-Per-Click Search http://www.activewebsoftwares.com Add a complete pay-per-click directory/search engine to your web site. Also includes a multi-level affiliate/referral system, create unlimited number of categories, Account Registration, Get listing from DMOZ source. ASP.NET VB source code included.
Kingherc's ASP.NET Toolkit 1.1 http://www34.brinkster.com Includes many useful free ASP.NET controls and their source. Mainly for communication (poll, news, image handler & thumbnail creator), for site design (title, displayor) as well as for other purposes (photos/file dir).A full html guide included.
Bean Software Search Control http://www.beansoftware.com/searchcontrol.aspx Add feature rich database searching in your Windows application or on your web site!Choose between four ways of searching: any word, all words, phrase or boolean search with AND, OR and NOT keywords. There is ActiveX, .NET and ASP.NET edition.
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
A Fast Track Guide to ASP.NET - Chapter 1 http://www.webmasterbase.com Confused by ASP.NET? You're not alone. What are its benefits? How does it differ from ASP? This chapter has the answers...
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
GigaSoft ProEssentials v5 Standard http://www.gigasoft.com Unbelievable: $299 includes WebForms, WinForms, ActiveX, DLL, Five charting components (Graph, Scientific Graph, Polar/Smith, Pie Chart, and 3D Scientific Graph), 1000 plus features, royalty free client-side use, and one server-side license.
38 Extra Development Tips http://www.sqlmag.com Our 5th-anniversary issue is bursting at the seams with great tips for SQL Server developers. Here are some that spilled out of our pages.
The ASP.NET QuickStart http://www.aspfree.com ASP.NET is a rich programming framework for building web-based applications. It offers outstanding support for both developers and administrators, providing improved ease-of-use, tool support, reliability, scalability, administration and security.
Meditating Upon the ASP.NET Code-Behind Model http://www.developer.com With the first alpha of ASP.NET 2.0 just around the corner, the debate about the effective goodness of code-behind seems to be close to its end.
Getting Started with ASP.NET http://www.webmasterbase.com In this article, I'll introduce you to basics of ASP.NET. I'll walk you through installing it on your Web server, and take you through a couple of simple dynamic pages that demonstrate the differences between ASP.NET and other server side languages.
Creating ASP.NET Pages http://www.4guysfromrolla.com When creating ASP pages, developers commonly use VBScript, aMicrosoft-created scripting language that closely resemblesthe VisualBasic syntax. Of course ASP pages can be createdusing any scripting language that has a ActiveX ScriptingEngine...
Getting Started with ASP.NET http://www.devx.com Learn what it takes to begin building ASP.NET Web sites with Visual Studio .NET. This article will provide you with the knowledge you need to jumpstart your foray into the world of ASP.NET development.
ASP.NET Basics (part 3): Hard Choices http://aspfree.com In this third part of our introductory ASP.NET tutorial, learn all about C#'s logical and comparison operators with simple examples and illustrations.
XMLBuilder http://www.nerd2nerd.net XMLBuilder is a XML helper object that allows you to create, edit and update XML in an easy to understand paradigm built a top the XML libraries supplied by the .NET Framework.
deloittes.NET ColorPicker v1.0 http://www.deloittes.net The deloittes.NET ColorPicker is an ASP.NET Server Control for adding visual color selection to your web forms by simply dragging the control from your VisualStudio.NET ToolBox.
Do-it-Yourself Database Driven Website http://www.forgotwhere.com Easy-Site eliminates 95% of the cost and time required to build a feature rich web site.Now anyone can add, delete or modify their own web site content in seconds. Webmasters have increased sales by 1200% using Easy-Site System. ACT NOW
What's In A Namespace http://www.dotnetjunkies.com This article is not intended to give you a full understanding of Namespaces, but just to give you an idea of what they are.
Error Bank http://www.error-bank.com The database of .NET errors, exceptions and their solutions. Got exception? Get solution!
Simple Active Users counter script http://www.asptutorial.info/script/activeuserscounter This Active Users Counter script allows to know how many clients are visiting your sit and to show it in your pages. Easy to set up.
Alentus ASP.NET Hosting http://www.alentus.com ASP / ASP.NET Web hosting – Core services include ASP.NET Web site and database hosting, domain email hosting, e-commerce solutions, turnkey Web applications, dedicated and managed server hosting, and guaranteed bandwidth connections. As a Microsoft
Corewebsoft website tracker ASP.NET http://www.corewebsoft.com/order_website_tracker.aspx ASP.NET application/script for high-volume web site tracking and comprehensive web stats. You can spy on your visitors and see what they do in a real time! Invisible to your visitors. Available as a hosted service too. Free 15-day trial/demo.
Authorize.Net Gateway How to http://www.loudasp.com/howto/MiscAuthorizeNetGateway.asp This shows you how to interface with the Authorize.net gateway which allows you to process credit cards in real time and charge that card X amount of dollars.
SGColorCombo Beta 1 http://www.stinga.com The SGColorCombo control allows the user to select a color from a drop down palette. It was written with VB.NET and is available for download here.
Common ASP+ Questions http://www.4guysfromrolla.com What are the system requirements needed to run ASP+?, Will I need/be able to write ISAPI DLLs with ASP+?, Will I be able to run ASP+ pages on IIS 4 or PWS, or is IIS 5 needed?. Here are some common beginner-level questions, and their answers.
ASP.NET Unleashed, Second Edition http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/067232542X/qid=1119152236/sr=8-3/ref=pd_csp_3/102-5291399-3933729?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Aimed at Windows Web developers of all levels, ASP.NET Unleashed provides a truly example-packed tutorial on beginning through advanced topics in ASP.NET programming. This mammoth text is never dense, and its clear sample code.
ASP Journal http://www27.brinkster.com/gaspdev/asp_journal.asp The ASP Journal is a small but powerful journal application written in ASP. The Web based admin layer allows you to administrate your journal over the Web which makes it great for people on the move. The journal is completely skinnable making it easy
WebTracker Gold http://www.eradus.org/webtracker DSN name is configurable Has ability to personalize the web tracking panel No limits on shown data, you can configure the amount of entries you like to see displayed Shows and logs demographics from visitors Displays statistics in a graphical
ASP Cookies http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPCookies.asp The internet cookie in its simplest way: The Response.cookies will let us set a cookie. The Request.cookies will let us call that cookie.
ASP.NET Basics (Part 5): Cooking Up a Storm http://www.aspfree.com Learn all about arrays, enumerations, and the "foreach" loop, and find out how you can use them for more complex data storage and manipulation.
Active Page Generator http://www.webgecko.com/trial Active Page Generator (APGen™) is now the leading programming environment for pre-rendering web pages and generating other content. Pre-rendering yields many benefits, including unrivaled web page performance, superior reliability, reduced web hosti
High-quality Jpeg to GIF conversion in ASP.NET http://www.asppainter.com With this product you can convert a True Color image to palettized one using Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. New algorithm gives images without grain looking just like original ones. You just need to copy one file.
VBeXpress.NET http://www.vbexpress.com VBeXpress.NET is an advanced template-driven code generator that can generate fully-functional .NET applications using either VB.NET or C# in minutes.
WAP-Chat http://ee.gimenei.com/products/Wapchat.aspx WAP-Chat is a new service, which allows you to chat with people all around the world through the convenience of your WAP mobile device. With WAP-Chat you can make a place, where WAP users can chat in real time. You can set up a range of chat rooms so
Getting Started with ASP.NET http://www.aspfree.com Michael's article covers many of the new features of .NET. Check it out!
ASP.NET Enterprise Manager for SQL Server and MSDE http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com Open-Source, web-based administration for SQL Server and MSDE Databases written using ASP.Net. The user interface is built to resemble Microsoft's SQL Server Enterprise Manager Software.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:30:54 PM
General overview with tech support., Received help from Tim and Chris on making the GWCC site live for the area events. Chris actually completed it as I watched. As of now, the site is live and only the links to the page need to be changed. , some lowville calls, still
getting rings with no one there, change to PC Bundle, print out..., On phone w/Lisa going over details for Pro Ed Consultants and coming up with a time estimate for project., e-mail, Customer inquries, ans. phone, taking payments, credit card authoriztions, and worked on my porblem children. Drop mail at post office., SoftGrades - New site layout & design, admin, teacher, parent & student interface logins & logoffs. Added features for tracking users currently online, dates visited, number of visits, etc. and additional security features for all areas., meeting with bruyere chadwick realty, test and publish suimall.com site templates, printed timecards-emailed the slackers, Russ Finhout - Vacation Guide ad, teched calls - slow, Also checked email, rad log, online reports, and checked modems., tech supervisor duties- helped techs and qlight, Networking w/Seth, SoftPublication - Adding auto image sizing to all picture upload components. Added switches to turn off auto image sizing on servers that don't support image component. Added feature to input image size at upload time and auto aspect ratio adjustments., Doing Realtor.com export for www.nnymls.com.. This is a regular weekly site maintanance thing, *energy initiatives: conversation w/Craig Kieny, prepaired cortland board of re contract , PEPSI -OGS - printing problems, can't get 1 new 98 machine to connect to shares on other PC's, phone calls, paperwork, emails, general wireless research, Vermont Internet public site design and development, Telephone conference with Drew McNally, signed board niagra frontier, Chris, Morning NOC duty, Answered tech related calls., had some general questions. did some radlogs. and a user with DUN error, Drive to Alex Bay (22 miles round trip),