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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:32:22 PM
THBImage.NET http://www.thbcomponents.com THBImage.NET control presents your images as you otherwise only could do with a professional graphics application. Display an image with the ability to scroll, zoom, pan, align and stretch it
DataGrid Girl! http://www.datagridgirl.com Marcie Jones has created this very nice site dedicated to the DataGrid control. Check out the comprehensive links section. A must for anyone working with the DataGrid Control.
Commands to manipulate strings http://www.asptutorial.info/sscript/manipulate_string.asp Usage of the following commands is shown: InStr(), LCase(), Left(), Len(), LenB(), LTring(), Mid(), Replace(), Right(), RTrim(), Space (), String(), StrReverse(), Trim() and UCase()
Using the CDONTS component to send email from ASP pages. http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-email.asp There is a component that is made available after the server installation of SMTP service. It is called CDONTS and it makes sending email rather easy.
Chilkat XML Compression and Encryption .NET http://www.chilkatsoft.com Non-validating XML parser with in-memory document compression and encryption. Offers a high-performance alternative to the standard XML DOM for creating, navigating,and manipulating XML documents.
Longhorn Frequently Asked Questions http://www.c-sharpcorner.com In this article, I cover some of the frequently asked questions about Longhorn and related technologies.
Forms - Populating radio buttons with info from a database http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/forms-populate-radio-buttons.asp Forms - Populating radio buttons with info from a database
ASP+ Basics http://www.vbxml.com This presentation will outline this event driven and more structured code by looking at the ASP+ object model and what Web Controls are and how they can be used. Web Control Families and the Web Control Object model are also covered.
Xheo.WebSkin http://www.xheo.com Xheo.WebSkin - Full page and control skinning for ASP.NET. Multiple page templates, skin the DataGrid control, separate your content from design, design-time support, caching of control templates and output, migrate from current XML/XSLT solutions.
FanBlast! http://www.fanmass.com The FanBlast! application lets developers quickly provide a rich content newsletter system for their non-technical clients. It features full online account administration, multiple address books, HTML, template storage, subscriber management, doub
Using ASP to dynamically change the contents of a frameset http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-frames.asp Here is an example if you wanted to load different pages into your frameset. This will give you the basic idea and then you will be able to adapt this to many situations.
Active Data Online GeneralLedger http://www.activedataonline.com.au GeneralLedger is a Web-based accounting information system. It provides a means to record, store and query accounting journal entries, and generate a trial balance, a balance sheet and a profit and loss report.
Active Server Bricks http://www.basalsoft.com/solutions/asb/ The library of the site building components for sites based on Microsoft ASP technology. The libaray is written in JavaScript so you can use its functions and objects with any scripting language that the ASP technology supports (e.g. VBScript). We
ASP.NET NewsScroller http://www.surano.com ASP.NET NewsScroller is an innovative server control useful to create boxes with scrolling news.
Web Player Control http://www.vbtrain.net Dynamically embed a Windows Media Player, Flash Player, RealPlayer, or just plain text into your ASP.NET applications. Set the URL to the desired media from a database or allow the user to turn off the media and display "closed captions" instead.
Community QuickStart Tutorial http://www.asp-grandrapids.net Comprehensive quickstart guide. Introduces Web Forms, Server Controls and Web Services.
Custom Day Planner/Address Book http://www.aspemporium.com/aspEmporium/examples/dayplanner/index.asp Create a day planner and schedule system that can be used and customized by visitors. Currently consists of an address book and a calendar/events system.
Hello World: An Anatomy of an ASP .NET Project http://www.asp101.com Ever since Kernighan and Ritchie wrote a program to display "Hello World" in the C language, programming has never been the same. In this article, we will write a "Hello World" script and explain all the code that goes into it.
4GuysFromRolla.com http://4guysfromrolla.com/ Always a lot going on at this site including new articles and code examples.
Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.c-sharpcorner.com Ashok Kumar P presents a good general overview of ASP.NET and lists the major benefits .NET provides over classic ASP.
Introduction to ASP.NET - Part 1 http://www.sourcecode-central.com Explains some of the differences between Classic ASP and ASP.NET.
EBA: Grid Control V2 http://developer.ebusiness-apps.com/technologies/webdevelopment/codeandcomponents/ebagrid/default.htm EBA:Grid Control V2 is a lightweight, robust Javascript data grid component with fast "data-aware" back-end database communication. Languages supported include ASP, PHP, JSP. Grid integrates seamlessly with MySQL, ODBC, MS SQL, Oracle! Free download!
Code101 http://www.code101.com Code101 disseminates information about Microsoft .NET technology. A good place for articles, tutorials, snippets, tips and solutions for beginner to advanced developers. We go an extra mile to make things easy for developers.
Server Variables http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/server-variables.asp Server Variables
ASP.NET Enterprise Manager for SQL Server and MSDE http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com Open-Source, web-based administration for SQL Server and MSDE Databases written using ASP.Net. The user interface is built to resemble Microsoft's SQL Server Enterprise Manager Software.
ASPProtect http://www.ASPProtect.com Easily add password protection to any ".asp" page within your web site. Web based administration so you can manage users and their access. All pages you want to protect simply need one server side include at the top of each page.
How to Deal With Newness http://www.devx.com Much of what you're seeing pumped out of Microsoft's .NET team seems to be new. Newness is not necessarily bad, but VS.NET is still unproven, untested, and somewhat scary. New tools mean you'll have to get to know and trust the tools all over again.
The Evolution Of Microsoft: .NET Explained http://www.devarticles.com This article is specifically targeted at those who are already competent with one or more of Microsoft’s web/application languages such as ASP, Visual Basic and C++. Provides a brief overview of .NET.
WaspRING - webring written in asp http://www.firstaidcafe.co.uk/RingDemo/Welcome.asp WaspRING A Full-Featured Webring Written in ASP Script, Plus Stats, Site of the Day, Multiple Webrings, Members Hit Counter, Members & Administrator Control Panel, Rotating Banners and much more. Full script, no components, easy install. Full demo a
CoolTip Server Control http://rose.ojicree.com It's just like a tooltip, only you can customize the appearance with html or css! CoolTip does not currently support visual IDEs such as Visual Studio .NET.
Web File Manager for Active Directory.NET http://www.http-com.com A powerful web based file management application. It’s been specifically developed for companies who use Microsoft Networks. It's been designed to use secure NTLM authentication and it can automatically authorize users base
ASP.NET Basics (part 3): Hard Choices http://aspfree.com In this third part of our introductory ASP.NET tutorial, learn all about C#'s logical and comparison operators with simple examples and illustrations.
NitroScroll http://www.nitrominds.com NitroScroll is an ASP.NET web control that can dynamically rotate content. Just about any content type can be rotated including HTML and ASP.NET User Controls.
Corewebsoft website tracker ASP.NET http://www.corewebsoft.com/order_website_tracker.aspx ASP.NET application/script for high-volume web site tracking and comprehensive web stats. You can spy on your visitors and see what they do in a real time! Invisible to your visitors. Available as a hosted service too. Free 15-day trial/demo.
ASP DB Admin Control http://www.w3code.com/applications.asp This is a small web based database administration code using ASP 3.0 and Access database. Features 1) Login 2) Control Panel 3) Add records 4) Edit records 5) Delete records 6) Logout
UploadPRo.NET http://www.uploadpro.net UploadPro.NET allows quick and easy file and image uploading with as little as two lines of script. Advanced features include saving to database, image manipulation and multiple uploading. UploadPro v1.0.0 is a must have tool for the serious de
Find links http://www.asptutorial.info/script/Findlinks A small script to help you find links to your site in the net. A good way to spy your competitors.
Dundas Chart http://www.dundas.com Dundas Chart - ASP.NET Professional Edition is a fully managed, CLR (Common Language Runtime) compliant charting component taking full advantage of Visual Studio's design time support and is designed for ASP.NET development.
Latest Developments in the .Net World http://www.devarticles.com Do you want to know about the latest development in the .Net technology? Here is a comprehensive look at the latest developments in the world of Microsoft’s.NET.
SiteWorkz CMS Lite http://www.zidekick.com SiteWorkz CMS Lite is a easy to use, professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP (No DLLs). Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Template Based ,Easy to Install, 100% ASP Script, Complete Source Code included. Access/MySQ
Introducing ASP.NET - Part 2 http://www.suite101.com In this article, you will learn some of the advanced and useful WebForms controls which are widely used in projects. At the end, event handling with ASP.NET is also covered.
Nevron LLC - 3DChart for .NET http://www.nevron.com The 3DChart for .NET component is a high quality native .NET component, which uses the Nevron 3D Engine for .NET to display sophisticated charts with stunning visual effects. It can add interactive charts with presentation quality to your apps.
ORCSWEB, Inc. http://www.orcsweb.com We are experienced and proficient in supporting NT Server, Windows 2000, Internet Information Server, Microsoft Transaction Server, COM+, Active Server Pages applications, ASP.Net, SQL Server and more! These guys even host Fuzzy Software.
ImageDraw ASP.NET WebControl http://www.neodynamic.com ImageDraw is a server control which generates real time on-fly images for ASP.NET Applications. It allows you to use all the potential of GDI+ in your ASP.NET Applications. Cross-Browser Compatible.
Working with Properties and Data Types http://www.aspnextgen.com In classic ASP a color name and a string didn't seem any different in that they were both string values. In .NET data types are much more important and much more strict.
eCriteria Web Database Publishing http://www.eCriteria.net/default.asp eCriteria is a web-hosted database facility. You create your database on eCriteria, and then link into the database using tags and HTML code that we generate on our site for you. Since we host the data, there is no need to install a relational databa
The Evolution Of Microsoft: .NET Explained http://www.devarticles.com In this article, James will explain exactly what .NET is, how it works, how we (as developers) can benefit from it, its many new features, and other .NET related information.
Web Tree Builder http://www.compusolve-technology.co.uk/products/webtreebuilder/about.asp Web Tree Builder is a desktop design tool that allows you to incorporate dynamic hierarchical tree structures into your web sites with speed and ease. The trees that it generates operate in exactly the same way as the Windows File Explorer and can b
myLittleAdmin SQL Server version http://www.mylittletools.net/scripts/mla_sql myLittleAdmin is a web-based Database administration tool. myLittleAdmin allows you to completely manage the tables, fields, and indexes structure as well as the actual record content.You can also use myLittleAdmin to execute any SQL command (includi
iNextLib - .NET DB namespace http://net.intranext.it iNextLib makes easy to get data for your ASP.NET web solutions. Without SQL knowledge you can: select, insert, update, delete, count, call stored procedure and much more! 9 public methods to perform basic and professional SQL database queries.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:32:22 PM
Downstairs discussing Heritage Cheese, Carthage Federal Savings w/Amy, GiSCO Investors/SoftPublication w/Chris B., ISDN Problems, Setup Analog Equipment, Install new Router. All at Ogdensburg POP, meet with Mike L., lunch, Phone calls with Atkinson Real Estate main office then with particular agents. Trying to solve an issue with their free dialup account., Also checked email and called expiring users. Very busy this afternoon with calls on the 779-2360#., called some ask us a questions. took care of some voicemails from last night, amortizations for the loans, no WO available, Climax dialup router, assisted Andy on this, cvx training at Nortel, Created a stand alone executable that creates a client's file for Randy
, Phone call from Jennifer Stevenson about the Slcmls.com input sheets. Got feedback for her from Chris Williams., Train in Niagara, w/Gary, radius went down. a few email problems. billing questions, Paychecks, postage for Watertown, ordered envelops at AMF, finding Marcy things to do, Nortel weekend stuff, Infocus to have lamp replaced under warranty, 2000-7-16___MAKE CHANGES TO ORDER FORM, ADDITIONAL CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE WAITING ON CONTACT WITH CLIENT, STILL HAVE AN HOUR BILLABLE IN PROJECT, talked with frame customers that had open issues with me from yesterday....all is resolved except for TI Council. they are working but the circuit has heavy packet looses at time.....called for another status on ticket......no one had touched it...they promised a 1 hours call back from a manager who name was given and emailed to everyone. Deferiet is A ok...the replaced the smart jack all is well, TV 50 say good to go., contact penny- check emial/voice mail
send in work order request for Chris bryns;- send to Peggy and tom and Dave
, phones, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a question, , Working on web servers. Working with web customers. Cleaning up servers., E-mail, wireless, misc. work, Very slow. Worked on expired accounts and kept eye on all monitors and activities. Madrid is still down., Moving equipment from 1st floor to 2nd floor co-lo. moving equipment from 2nd floor co-lo to tech room, www.certowers.com developing portfolio and changes to graphic header scanning photos, making thumbnails, customer support: client database issues and troubleshooting, Researching how to do a java-script database query after an on-change event form field validation for use w/backtobasics form. Not having much luck., Telergy Meeting, Resetting open modems. Finishing up Goldmine server setup. Talking to customers, helping them w/ websites.,