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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:24 PM
LoudASP http://www.loudasp.com/howto Offers a wide range of HOWTOs and write ups on various ASP topics.
DataForm.NET http://www.easydotnet.com/default.aspx DataForm.NET is one of the most powerful ASP.NET data entry controls available.Features: No .net code needed No SQL command needed Support 3rd party components Embed New,Query,Add,Update,Delete buttons Plenty of members for advanced needs
ASP.NET Mobile Barcode Professional http://www.neodynamic.com/Products/BCMWebC/BarcodeMobileWebControl.aspx?tabid=22&prodid=2 Barcode images for ASP.NET Mobile Web Applications. It generates the most popular linear and 2D barcode symbologies. It renders the barcode image for each mobile device in the preferred image format by each of them.
csFileDownload http://www.chestysoft.com/filedownload/default.asp This ASP component enables file downloads to be controlled from within a script. It allows for password protection of individual files, and for record keeping. A built in access code generator is included. There are also some file utility functions.
Web File Manager for Active Directory.NET http://www.http-com.com A powerful web based file management application. It’s been specifically developed for companies who use Microsoft Networks. It's been designed to use secure NTLM authentication and it can automatically authorize users base
UPublisher http://www.superfreaker.com/upublisher/ UPublisher is a UltraDev friendly application that acts as an automated news publishing system. This application features full online administration capabilities that allows UPublisher managers to create, review, edit, delete, and approve news articl
Creating ASP.NET Pages http://www.4guysfromrolla.com When creating ASP pages, developers commonly use VBScript, aMicrosoft-created scripting language that closely resemblesthe VisualBasic syntax. Of course ASP pages can be createdusing any scripting language that has a ActiveX ScriptingEngine...
Active Server Bricks http://www.basalsoft.com/solutions/asb/ The library of the site building components for sites based on Microsoft ASP technology. The libaray is written in JavaScript so you can use its functions and objects with any scripting language that the ASP technology supports (e.g. VBScript). We
Web Navigator http://www.compusolve-technology.co.uk/products/webnavigator/about.asp Web Navigator is a desktop design tool that allows you to incorporate flexible expanding navigation menus into your web site with both speed and ease. The menus that it generates work in a similar way to the Microsoft Outlook Bar by grouping menu op
AyloChart http://www.aylo.com This engine, written in C# requiring the Microsoft .Net Framework, gives you the ability to dynamically graph any type of data with ASP.NET into Pie, Bar, Line and Point charts. Stream or Export image to filesystem. Auto-scaling and trend calculation.
Guest Book Developed in ASP.NET http://www.bipinjoshi.com This application is simple Guest Book developed using ASP.NET and VB.NET. Eventhough the application is simple it illustrates many .NET concepts like creating web forms, creating components, using config.web and sending emails.
SQL Insert http://www.loudasp.com/howto/SQLInsert.asp If you need to put data into a table using SQL this is the code you will want to use.
Do You .NET? http://www.officevba.com If you haven't already been caught up in the hullabaloo surrounding the .NET (pronounced "dot net") initiative coming from Microsoft, I predict - and hope - that you will.
Team Remote Debugger 2001 http://www.remotedebugger.com/team_remote_debugger.asp Team Remote Debugger allows you and your team to trace any number of code units of any kind ( ASP, MTS, T-SQL, COM+, ActiveX Exe, DLL, COM, Thread, CFML ), written in any language ( ASP, VB, VC++, Delphi, T-SQL, VJ, CFML ) residing on multiple shared
BipinJoshi.com http://www.bipinjoshi.com VB,ASP,.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#, COM and XML Articles, Tutorials, Source Code and more...
UploadPRo.NET http://www.uploadpro.net UploadPro.NET allows quick and easy file and image uploading with as little as two lines of script. Advanced features include saving to database, image manipulation and multiple uploading. UploadPro v1.0.0 is a must have tool for the serious de
ASP.NET Roadmap http://support.microsoft.com This article provides a roadmap to learning and mastering ASP.NET. Roadmap articles provide links to useful information, including online documentation, Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, and Microsoft white papers.
Data Mining, .NET Framework, Visual Basic and C# http://www.visual-basic-data-mining.net Welcome to the Visual Basic, .NET and Data Mining Portal. This site provides C# , VB.NET , Visual Basic and Data Mining Source Code, Applications, Tutorials and Algorithms.
Free ASP Hosts http://www.free-hosts.info Free ASP hosts listing and forum. Visitors can find there a free asp host with features they need, and discuss about it with other forum members. The forum has also general, free services and website reviews categories.
CoverYourASP http://CoverYourASP.com/ The site IS the content - download the entire source code of the site! Live examples of membership management, ad banner system, newsletter, online database add/edit/delete, yahoo-style categories and much more.
Picture Grid http://www.nitrominds.com The Picture Grid is an automatic picture library maker. Simply give it the path to the images you want to load and the grid will do the rest.
Barcode Professional ASP.NET WebControl http://www.neodynamic.com Barcode Professional is a server control which generates barcode images for ASP.NET Web Applications. Barcode Professional is Cross-Browser Compatible and can generate the most popular Linear and 2D Barcode Symbologies (All in One). Real WYSISWYG.
PowerASP.com simple ASP Based Hit Counter System http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/hit-counter.asp This is a simple "ASP Based" hit counter solution and is available as a fully functional download.
Hostbasket http://www.hostbasket.com HostBasket.com offers you the convenience of building and managing your hosting infrastructure online. Free trial for all .NET accounts.
SM Web Control Suite http://www.shawnmullen.com SM Web Control Suite, is a suite of ASP.NET controls including a scrollable grid, a textbox that reports attempts to enter more characters than allowed, a special class that when interited, maintains your forms scroll position and more!
ASP Querystrings http://www.loudasp.com/howto/ASPQuerystring.asp Every wonder what the extension on a file name does (eg. file.asp?thing=stuff)
PortSight Task Scheduler for .NET http://www.PortSight.com PortSight Task Scheduler is a .NET component for immediate or planned execution of server-side tasks from ASP.NET. It allows you to process long-running ASP.NET pages, run command line utilities or other server-side tasks without page time outs.
WilsonDotNet.com http://www.wilsondotnet.com This site is my ASP.NET example site, full of best practices and advanced demonstrations. It contains my newly updated and ever growing collection of Controls, Tips, Demos, and Code.
Fusebox 3.0 for ASP http://fusebox.org Fusebox for ASP now has sample apps and query sims.
Active Image http://www.tonec.com/download4.html Active Image is an ActiveX component to create PNG, GIF, WBMP and Jpeg images on the fly. The distribution package includes full source code and documentation.
Using Forms to send information between ASP Pages http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-forms.asp Many beginner ASP programmers have a hard time with this concept. Here is an example if you want to use forms to transfer information between ASP pages. It is actually very simple and is used quite often when building ASP applications.
Ping IP http://warhound.com/ASP/pingip.htm Ping IP is an exceptional Internet networking tool that allows a user to ping one, a category, or all IP devices in the database. The admin functions allow the user to add, edit, or delete an IP device through the web. All data is stored in Access.
A brief intro to ASP.NET http://flws.com.au "In this article I will give you a brief run-down on what ASP.NET is, what it means to programmers used to programming in ASP 'classic' and I'll also give you some pointers to where you can go to learn more about ASP.NET..."
A Fast Track Guide to ASP.NET - Chapter 1 http://www.webmasterbase.com Confused by ASP.NET? You're not alone. What are its benefits? How does it differ from ASP? This chapter has the answers...
TextPad http://www.textpad.com Whether you simply need a powerful replacement for Notepad, a tool for editing your web pages, or a programming IDE, TextPad does what you want, the way you would expect.
aspModules.com - Productivity Code For Developers http://www.aspmodules.com ASP components to simplify site content management, paging database records, grabbing documents on other servers, creating event calendars and more
Linksmanager directory http://www.progportal.com ProgPortal Directory is a search engine/directory link manager. With this software you can start your own Yahoo! type portal. Supports Ms Sql, Open source, Advance Search Features, Advance System Admin, Site Features & more.
Find links http://www.asptutorial.info/script/Findlinks A small script to help you find links to your site in the net. A good way to spy your competitors.
AspWebSurv http://www.maine-net.com/aspwebsurv.asp AspWebSurv is a dynamic polling system that will create interest and let you gather valuable information about what your Site visitors think. IP tracking prevents multiple voting by same visitor and guarantees accuracy! AspWebSurv runs on your
ASP & ASP.NET Navigation Components http://www.visualasp.net Classic ASP and ASP.NET Components v5.1. The Component Pack includes the TreeView, ListView, Calendar and TabStrip Components with over 70 sample scripts to get the most out of every property and method from standard HTML output to advanced DHTML out
DevHood http://www.devhood.com DevHood was created for all .NET developers as a place for reference, a place to share their knowledge, and a place to interact with their peers.
UCalendar | ASP Calendar of Events http://www.superfreaker.com/ucalendar UCalendar is a UltraDev friendly application that manages large scale calendar of event listings. This application features full online administration capabilities that allows UCalendar managers to review, edit, delete, and approve a variety of user-
Getting Started With ASP.NET http://www.devasp.net A Sample Chapter from "Beginning ASP.NET using VB.NET". by Wrox.
Savior Enterprise Suite http://www.ims.im.com.au/redir.asp?pg=8 Savior provides developers with a database server capable of pulling information from any ODBC or ISAM compliant database. Also includes tools that substantially reduce development time. Works with all major DB programs and within all development env
Connections And Server Database Permissions http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/permissions.asp This article is an overview of SYSTEM DSN's, DSN-LESS Connections, and any permissions that may need to be set on the server.This article only applies to using Access Database's
A Fast-Track Guide to ASP.NET http://www.devasp.net Microsoft's .NET technology has attracted a great deal of press since Beta 1 was first released to the world. Since then, mailing lists, newsgroups, and web sites have sprung up containing a mixture of code samples, applications, and articles of various.
ASPA Picture Gallery http://www.aspalliance.com ASPA Picture Gallery allows you to quickly and easily display picture galleries in your ASP.NET web projects. Show off your family photographs, display product pictures, or showcase your property portfolio! Just drag, drop and run!
ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial http://samples.gotdotnet.com Includes a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET web programming framework.
SGColorCombo Beta 1 http://www.stinga.com The SGColorCombo control allows the user to select a color from a drop down palette. It was written with VB.NET and is available for download here.
ASP.NET Basics (part 1): Nothing But .Net http://aspfree.com Looking for a gentle introduction to ASP.NET and the .NET Framework? Today's your lucky day - this first segment of our multi-part ASP.NET tutorial introduces you to .NET and gets you started with ASP.NET.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:36:25 PM
Travelling back out to watertown, Network Maintenance & Web stie creations, TIITC db proj., dms translations, doing reports and fixing TCH1 and 2 and radius1 which had issues last night...radius process died off and tch's didn't wanna work after that happened....ended up rebooting both chassis to get it going again., spoke in length with Anne from Onadoga Hill Cardiovascular Group to get directions to the location for repair of failed CISCO unit. She couldn't explain the directions said she would fax........never did get the fax, Vermont to NY - 200 miles, Put the results of modem checks in the maintenance report in Outlook., Finished out my shift. Answered calls and such., read 24 hour ASP book and worked with examples, Talked to a Realtor in Western Steuben about whether or not our data can be imported into Top Producer (it can't), CLEC, ISG Tariff Work, MBO meeting in Sacketts, lunch, Checked the Dial Up Issues, none, then checked the Ask Us A Question, none also., NOC Schedule, Resetting open modems., Fixed Letter to the Editor Form on WDT.net., TRAVEL TO ALBANY, Downstairs with Tom Brennan from CVS, showing him where network/phone connections are, etc., Drive to Canton to meet with St. Lawrence Chamber (150 miles - round trip), We couldn't do Rad Log. Tried
but no phone or no response., more radlogs. helped a couple people that couldn't surf, chow, work on fixing more outlooks, researching ability to create editable PDF files, or creating PDF files on the fly pulling data from web site, printed timecards and sent out emails for those not yet submitted and to managers to approve timecards in holding pattern, MEETING ABOUT DESIGNING TEMPLATES, Meeting on MBO with night staff., spoke with Barbara Wartd about the the ad contract for St. lawrence Newspapers,