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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:39:00 PM
Test builder http://test.richardhealey.com Test Builder is created in asp with access database wich alows you through easy to use interface add/delete/modify test/test questions that you can take online and that are graded for you. Free code downlaod and easy to use.
ASPGuest http://www.CJWSoft.com Ability to Cycle through messages in an increment that you can easily change to any value you like. Administration entrance where you can edit and delete messages. Password protected and you can easily change the password.
dotNetBB http://www.dotnetbb.com dotNetBB is a complete, powerful, scalable and fully customizable forum package for your personal or corporate web site. Supports an unlimited number of forums, topics and members.
WebEdit Professional http://www.webedpro.com WebEdit Pro is a powerful browser-based website management application with file management and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing. Enables any non-technical user (No HTML or FTP knowledge required) to create, edit and update their entire
RemoteMethods Web Services Guide http://www.remotemethods.com Your source for finding reliable Web Service Providers (WSP). Our guide allows you to quickly find and compare quality Web Services from various providers. Non platform dependant.
Active Price Comparison v2 http://www.ActiveWebSoftwares.com Allows site vistors to compare prices of a product from different shops. Shops can bid for higher placing through a pay-per-click system. Includes Advertiser Banner Module, Product Reviews, Shop Reviews, and more
4GuysFromRolla.com http://4guysfromrolla.com/ Always a lot going on at this site including new articles and code examples.
NetSupport http://www.beboop.com Why NetSupport on my web site : You have an impressive web site, you have enough visitors on your web site. But sales are not as per the expectations. Personalization is missing in this scenario. Personalizes your relationship with web site visitors,
Linux Windows Dedicated servers reseller Unlimited domains web site hosting web space UNIX JSP SQL Cold Fusion Datatransfer SSL http://www.megawebserver.com megawebserver.com is provide web hosting and website promotion for your small business or personal website.Dedicated Servers
Corewebsoft visitors restrictor ASP.NET script http://www.corewebsoft.com/products_visitors_restrictor.aspx Restrict frauders and cheaters from visiting your site, stealing your bandwidth and wasting your server resources - save money. Limit single IP, whole IP range, specific regions, countries, continents. Variable SQL usage, easy installation.
The Object-Oriented Thought Process http://www.developer.com This is the third installment in a series of articles that introduces and describes the fundamental object-oriented concepts. These concepts are part of the foundation that any programmer needs to make the paradigm shift from procedural programming.
ASPKnowledgebase http://www.asp-programmers.com/index.asp ASPKnowledge is your premier solution for managing faqs, knowledgebases, support sites, and much more. Easy to use administration and great features. One version is all you need for all your sites. Full source code provided on non-freeware versions.
vioCLICKS.com http://www.vioclicks.com vioCLICKS offers an accurate and reliable Web site traffic counter and audience measurement tool that provides detailed traffic analysis for Webmasters in real time. The stats include: unique visitors, total impressions, reloads and return visitors
ASPNet101.com http://aspnet101.com This site is all about what the domain name sounds like - ASP.Net 101. Here's where the beginners and the intermediate users alike, can come and learn the ins and outs of ASP.Net in simple, easy to read Tutorials, Code Samples and Tips.
Community QuickStart Tutorial http://www.asp-grandrapids.net Comprehensive quickstart guide. Introduces Web Forms, Server Controls and Web Services.
ASP.NET Side-by-Side Execution of .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 http://www.asp.net This article describes how to configure ASP.NET applications for side-by-side execution along with detailed steps.
UploadPRo.NET http://www.uploadpro.net UploadPro.NET allows quick and easy file and image uploading with as little as two lines of script. Advanced features include saving to database, image manipulation and multiple uploading. UploadPro v1.0.0 is a must have tool for the serious de
An Introduction to Microsoft .NET http://www.c-sharpcorner.com Trying to figure it out exactly what .NET really is was not as easy as you would expect.
Spacer Image http://www.peterblum.com The SpacerImage web control generates the HTML to build an image that you use to precisely space things out, either horizontally or vertically. It maintains a global path to your spacer.gif image file so you don't have to keep assigning it.
DynamicImage http://hosting.gotdotnet.ru This control is a derived version of asp:Image, with additonal functionality. The additional features include Graphics property which allows you to draw on control using GDI+ API. The control produce cached in-memory images.
Do You .NET? http://www.officevba.com If you haven't already been caught up in the hullabaloo surrounding the .NET (pronounced "dot net") initiative coming from Microsoft, I predict - and hope - that you will.
TraceLog http://www.tracelog.co.uk You can use TraceLogs simple tracing facilities to view events on remote servers straight from a Windows PC. Events are easily added to ASP scripts using 2 lines of code. Events includes the Form,QueryString,Session & Cookie collections
Active Data Online Discussion Board http://www.activedataonline.com.au/discussionboard.html Noteworthy features are a WYSIWYG editor, a spell checker, the capacity to mark topics as read, topic bookmarks, a powerful search engine, a fully localised GUI, support for all languages, linear and threaded views, polls, events, pictures...
ASPEdit http://www.tashcom.co.uk/ ASPEdit is a powerful Active Server Pages and HTML editor with full support for Visual Basic script. Discover the ease of use ASPEdit provides when you are editing your webpages, Look at the comprehensive feature list to see what ASP-Edit has to offe
Localizer http://www.winformreports.co.uk Localizer gives you everything you need to add powerful ASP.NET internationalization support to Microsoft Visual Studio 2002 / 2003, bringing the same set of localization features that Windows Forms programmers enjoy to the ASP.NET world.
ASPXpand 1.0 for ASP.net http://www.ASPXpand.com ASPXpand is a new ASP.Net component helping to bridge the gap between desktop development and web development. ASPXpand offers several functions such as; Set Focus, Masked Edit, Set Left, Set Top, MsgBox, a Client-Server Timer and much, much more.
2COOL Web http://2coolweb.com Does your web host support Microsoft's asp.net or custom .dll's and com objects. Need a developer server to test your projects. 2COOLWEB can setup a dev.dot account for you.
Web Development in Visual Studio.NET with ASP.NET http://www.idevresource.com In this article I give you a brief overview of the changes in Visual Studio.NET that will benefit web developers. I then go on and discuss how ASP developers can prepare for the next generation of ASP: ASP.NET
Using Forms to send information between ASP Pages http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-forms.asp Many beginner ASP programmers have a hard time with this concept. Here is an example if you want to use forms to transfer information between ASP pages. It is actually very simple and is used quite often when building ASP applications.
ISPCheck http://www.hostguild.com ISPCheck is a one-stop marketplace for Internet Services for webmasters and businesses. Updated each day, it offers great deals on web hosting, domain registration and connectivity. Visit ISPCheck today and save $$$
Lundlay ASP Script Poll http://www.lundlay.com/products/poll Advantages: real-time online results, Full administration control of each poll group, Repeat voting protection (by Cookies or/and IP-addresses), More than one poll at the same time on the same server allows to view the poll statistics, easy to custom
IntelliVIEW - Interactive Reporting for ASP http://www.intelliview.com IntelliVIEW is an easy-to-use XML based reporting solution that allows you to create rich & interactive reports from any RDBMS and integrate them into your ASP applications. An extremely simple “single-click publishing mechanism” allows you to rapid
Active Data Online GroupCalendar http://www.activedataonline.com.au A web calendar powered by ASP.NET. This database driven calendar system is ideal for managing events, meetings, deadlines, tasks, schedules, and more, for teams and individuals. Use as a standalone application or integrate within a larger system.
Charon Cart.Net http://www.charon.co.uk Charon Cart.NET is an ASP.NET Server Control. It encapsulates the logic of a simple shopping cart into a single component. A simple e-commerce site can be built using tags only.
Codefixer http://www.codefixer.com Resources and tutorials for the beginner to intermediate ASP developer.
HTTP Commander 4 .NET ver. http://www.http-com.com Powerfull web based file manager for IIS webservers. It has two excellent designs, FULL SECURITY, Main features: CUT, COPY, DELETE, PASTE, RENAME, EDIT and Advanced: disk QUOTA, ZIP/UNZIP, UNDO, UPLOAD with progress bar, shortest HTML code
Commands to manipulate strings http://www.asptutorial.info/sscript/manipulate_string.asp Usage of the following commands is shown: InStr(), LCase(), Left(), Len(), LenB(), LTring(), Mid(), Replace(), Right(), RTrim(), Space (), String(), StrReverse(), Trim() and UCase()
NitroProtect http://www.nitrominds.com NitroProtect is an ASP.NET Web Control that prevents users from right-clicking on your web page making it difficult to save content such as pictures.
Introduction to ASP.NET - Part 1 http://www.sourcecode-central.com Explains some of the differences between Classic ASP and ASP.NET.
ACES EventLog OLEDB Provider http://www.acesdev.com/products/components/el_oledb/ Perform administrative tasks on event logs on your local and remote computers, such as reading any event logs, writing an entry to an event log, creating your own special logs, deleting event logs, and clearing log entries, provide data access via OL
ADEX Schedule http://www.vyapin.com/products/developercomponents/adexscheduler.htm ADEX™ Schedule is a COM component that encapsulates the functionality of TaskScheduler. It enables application developers of Microsoft technology to add, delete and manage tasks in the TaskScheduler. It has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providi
ASP:Source http://fx-scripts.com/aspsource.asp A source-viewing script for ASP files. Displays contents of ASP scripts in blue. Displays ASP comments in green. Displays ASP keywords such as 'if', 'then', 'else', etc.. in red. This feature can be turned off.
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
Web-Host-Guide.org - we help you find the perfect web hosting solution http://www.web-host-guide.org A comprehensive guide to finding the perfect ASP web hosting provider for you, and also how to construct a site and make it a success.
NetToolWorks.NET Enterprise Suite http://www.nettoolworks.com NetToolWorks.NET suite of .NET components Includes snmp (with v3 support), mail, s/mime, ftp See our website for individual component features Subscription, site licenses available (includes all future component releases)
Fusebox 3.0 for ASP http://fusebox.org Fusebox for ASP now has sample apps and query sims.
scottgu: asp.net tips and tricks http://www.eraserver.com This site contains a semi-random collection of samples and tips/tricks that I've posted on various listservs and newsgroups about ASP.NET and the .NET Framework.
ASPBanner http://www.ASPBanner.com/ ASPBanner can rotate Image Banners, Custom HTML, and Flash Banners. Keep detailed statistics for your advertisers. Pure ASP solution, no Dlls need to be installed on the server. 6 methods of calling banners makes this compatible with existing code.
Corewebsoft visitor.source.tracker ASP.NET script http://www.corewebsoft.com/products_visitor_source_tracker.aspx Lookup your website visitors origin - domain, IP, country. Prevent credit card frauders, limit bandwidth usage, filter visitors geographically. No SQL database is needed! Extremely fast - results in less than one second. Free demo.
PortSight Task Scheduler for .NET http://www.PortSight.com PortSight Task Scheduler is a .NET component for immediate or planned execution of server-side tasks from ASP.NET. It allows you to process long-running ASP.NET pages, run command line utilities or other server-side tasks without page time outs.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:39:00 PM
Posted accounts from Watertown and made the bank deposit. Customer inquiries, ans. phone, credit card authorizations, and worked on problem children. , client e-mail, regular phone calls...less busy than the traditional monday nights, tech support supv. duties. radlog, voice mail , auq, qlight, dsl, dial up issues, good night , WWNY problem again. Trying to look into preventing it from happening., Getting information to Carol re: aged receivables and contact information w/ history of accounts and reasons for lack of payment., Lunch, Phone Climax, Canton, new users, logins . voice mails, Went to TICOMM to get equipment to re-wire the Church Center
, morning check-in: check e-mail, go to JLTC for billalbe work, lunch meeting with paul went over., cleaned up online, tiadventures - made web site live - fix errors in menu (my fault - do not charge), TICC team meeting, Responded to emails, new/close out w/o's, review/archive older w/o's, schedule, team meeting, work Ironblock problem, billing reconciliation, Steady morning. quality checked sign ups, cancellations, callbacks from voicemail, checked emails, taking sign ups, answering phone, , Filling out company insurance forms, still steady, a couple looong calls, unusually steady today, no pattern
everything covered though, mcdonalds....i watched ben eat more mcdonalds food than i have ever ingested in a week for fear of causing my heart to stop....he's one crazy mofo, Marketing, Went over to Sam Keep to see the setup of the wireless up there, lunch, Finished up with the computers after much, much work. and did TS duties in the meantime,, finished setting up users and finalizing database for internal work request system (internal, billable), set up computers in clayton, and got andrea and michele set up on the exchange server, set up my new computer and all the software with it.,