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| Listings Main Page NEWS FROM 2006-03-26
Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 5:01:22 PM
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
Team Remote Debugger 2001 http://www.remotedebugger.com/team_remote_debugger.asp Team Remote Debugger allows you and your team to trace any number of code units of any kind ( ASP, MTS, T-SQL, COM+, ActiveX Exe, DLL, COM, Thread, CFML ), written in any language ( ASP, VB, VC++, Delphi, T-SQL, VJ, CFML ) residing on multiple shared
ASP Music Collection http://www27.brinkster.com/gaspdev/index.asp Keep track of your music collection with this free ASP application that lets you store/publish details of your collection online. Full web based admin functions and minimal configuration required.
deloittes.NET Image Gallery v1.1 http://www.deloittes.net ASP.NET Image Gallery Server Control. Features include Multiple Gallery Support, Image Uploading, Automatic Image Indexer, Thumbnail Generator, XML based datasource, Free unlimited email support and more. Click for online demo!!
ASPClassifieds http://www.ASPClassifieds.com Full featured ASP driven classifieds system supporting MS ACCESS or SQL. Easy to configure and set up. User registration system. Admin area to manage users, Email Users, Image uploads supported.
QuB http://www.interakt.ro/products/QuB/index.php The solution for automating SQL query generation, easying database applications development for building website administration tools For a dynamic web application developer, who needs to put database content on the web and is not an SQL expert
Your First .NET Application http://www.dotnetgenius.com dotNetGenius's James Horan walks you through programming your first .NET application.
WebEdit Professional http://www.webedpro.com WebEdit Pro is a powerful browser-based website management application with file management and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing. Enables any non-technical user (No HTML or FTP knowledge required) to create, edit and update their entire
EBA: FTP Sync API http://developer.ebusiness-apps.com EBA:FTP Sync component ActiveX Component that provides a simple interface for synchronizing files and folders between a client and a server running an FTP Service. FTP Sync is ideal for use in any application that requires file synchronization.
Common ASP+ Questions http://www.4guysfromrolla.com What are the system requirements needed to run ASP+?, Will I need/be able to write ISAPI DLLs with ASP+?, Will I be able to run ASP+ pages on IIS 4 or PWS, or is IIS 5 needed?. Here are some common beginner-level questions, and their answers.
Adminimizer - Web Content Editor http://www.adminimizer.com a powerful tool that makes Web site maintenance easy. Full font, CSS style, and color control without needing to know HTML. The Adminimizer is a full-featured HTML editor that sits inside your Internet Explorer browser on your PC
Savior Enterprise Suite http://www.ims.im.com.au/redir.asp?pg=8 Savior provides developers with a database server capable of pulling information from any ODBC or ISAM compliant database. Also includes tools that substantially reduce development time. Works with all major DB programs and within all development env
EBA: Grid Control V2 http://developer.ebusiness-apps.com/technologies/webdevelopment/codeandcomponents/ebagrid/default.htm EBA:Grid Control V2 is a lightweight, robust Javascript data grid component with fast "data-aware" back-end database communication. Languages supported include ASP, PHP, JSP. Grid integrates seamlessly with MySQL, ODBC, MS SQL, Oracle! Free download!
csASPUpload http://www.chestysoft.com/upload/default.asp This is an ASP component/dll which allows the uploading of files using html forms and a web browser. It can handle more than one file per form. The files can be saved to disk or to a database as a binary data stream. Files can also be exported into o
ASP.NET Unleashed, Second Edition http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/067232542X/qid=1119152236/sr=8-3/ref=pd_csp_3/102-5291399-3933729?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Aimed at Windows Web developers of all levels, ASP.NET Unleashed provides a truly example-packed tutorial on beginning through advanced topics in ASP.NET programming. This mammoth text is never dense, and its clear sample code.
Simple Hello C# World Class http://www.aspalliance.com A very simple C# Hello World class.
Aurigma Media Gallery .NET http://www.aurigma.com Media Gallery-the ASP.NET app for fusing media. Slap video, images, audio where and how you want-simple, scalable Aurigma juice-juice to weave that world wide web: hit counts, ratings, email friend, postcard tags, IPTC support, and much more.
Server Side Form Validation http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/server_side_form_validation.asp Here is a simple example of how to do server side form validation. It will give you the general idea and then you can make it as complex as you want to.
ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial http://samples.gotdotnet.com Includes a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET web programming framework.
What is ASP.Net http://www.tagconsulting.com A brief description of ASP.Net for the novice developer. This is the first in a series of articles aimed at novice developers working in ASP.Net.
Five Steps to Getting Started with ASP.NET http://msdn.microsoft.com In this first column we're going to walk through the five steps to getting started with ASP.NET. In later columns we will explore some of the cool features found in ASP.NET, such as: changes in deployment, state management, process model and controls.
.NET Framework Class Browser http://docs.aspng.com Complete online reference to all the available namespaces within ASP.NET.
FanBlast! http://www.fanmass.com The FanBlast! application lets developers quickly provide a rich content newsletter system for their non-technical clients. It features full online account administration, multiple address books, HTML, template storage, subscriber management, doub
Xsite CMS http://www.xsitecms.com Xsite CMS ($ 95) is a easy to use, professional web-based Content Management System written 100% in ASP (No DLLs). Key features: WYSIWYG content editor, Template Based (Use your favourite HTML editor to create your sites look), work-flow, Unlimited
ASP.NET, ASP+... what is what? http://www.aspalliance.com .NET names, keywords and buzzwords.
Advanced Password Pro http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/advanced-password-protection.asp Full source code provided, No DLLs, Web Based Administration, Multiple Access Levels, Users Can Expire, Advanced Record Cycling & Sorting Features, Log Off Feature. Easy to add to existing projects as well as a great starting point for any new projec
M6.net http://www.m6.net/add.asp Since 1997 M6.net offers the best value in ASP/ASP.NET Web Hosting Starting from $4/mo, 250Mb disk space, 20 GB bandwidth on Windows 2003 servers supporting PHP,Perl,CGI,MY SQL,MSSql, ASP/ASP.NET Components,MS Access,FrontPage,control panel, webmail.
ScriptWorx.NET http://www.softlite.net Design and debug ASP.NET apps, XML Web Services using SOAP and taken advantage of a fully integrated XML development environment. With support for Microsoft® Office files including Word and Excel.
WebCharts3D.NET http://www.gpoint.com GreenPoint, Inc. released WebCharts3D.NET version 4.7. The software is a native .NET component and is fully integrated with Visual Studio.NET.
15 Seconds http://www.15seconds.com/ Tons of NT and ASP related news.
Using Forms to send information between ASP Pages http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/asp-forms.asp Many beginner ASP programmers have a hard time with this concept. Here is an example if you want to use forms to transfer information between ASP pages. It is actually very simple and is used quite often when building ASP applications.
Test builder http://test.richardhealey.com Test Builder is created in asp with access database wich alows you through easy to use interface add/delete/modify test/test questions that you can take online and that are graded for you. Free code downlaod and easy to use.
Guest Book Developed in ASP.NET http://www.bipinjoshi.com This application is simple Guest Book developed using ASP.NET and VB.NET. Eventhough the application is simple it illustrates many .NET concepts like creating web forms, creating components, using config.web and sending emails.
ASP/VBA/COM ActiveX Dictionary object http://www.pstruh.cz/help/asp-dictionary-object/ Free-threaded hi-speed dictionary algorithm with unique/nonunique keys (map/multimap). Connect to another dictionary object in the same process. Lock/Unlock methods to synchronize tasks (lookup, application scope). Share ASP Application/Session objec
DotNetISP.com http://www.dotnetisp.com Dotnet Hosting : the first french dotnet hosting service. 15 days trial account. Plans from 20 euros No setup fees
eWebEditPro 2.5 for ASP.net http://www.ektron.com eWebEditPro is the first in a new market category and the leading multi-language, browser-based, WYSIWYG Web content authoring and editing tool that replaces text area fields in dynamic Web sites or browser-based applications.
AbyssLabs.INIFile http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/inifile.phtml This component provides methods to save/restore data in INI files.
An Introduction to ASP.NET http://www.devguru.com ASP.NET offers a novel programming model and infrastructure that facilitates a powerful new class of applications. ASP.NET is a compiled. NET-based environment, so one can author applications in any .NET compatible language.
A .Net/ASP+ Interview with MS http://www.mcpcentral.com Want to know about .NET, C# or ASP+? Hear it from one of the creators of the .NET Framework. MCPCentral.com talks with Microsoft's Mark Anders, Product Unit Manager of the .NET Framework in this exclusive interview.
ASP.NET Roadmap http://support.microsoft.com This article provides a roadmap to learning and mastering ASP.NET. Roadmap articles provide links to useful information, including online documentation, Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, and Microsoft white papers.
.NET Framework http://www.microsoft.com The .NET Framework is built using industry standards, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), with the goal of cross-platform interoperability.
Free search engine for your site http://www.asptutorial.info/script/searchfiles Allow your visitors to check for search terms or phrases within your server. Easy to set up free script.
SQL Insert http://www.loudasp.com/howto/SQLInsert.asp If you need to put data into a table using SQL this is the code you will want to use.
ASPEdit http://www.tashcom.co.uk/ ASPEdit is a powerful Active Server Pages and HTML editor with full support for Visual Basic script. Discover the ease of use ASPEdit provides when you are editing your webpages, Look at the comprehensive feature list to see what ASP-Edit has to offe
ASP.NET Side-by-Side Execution of .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 http://www.asp.net This article describes how to configure ASP.NET applications for side-by-side execution along with detailed steps.
AyloChart http://www.aylo.com This engine, written in C# requiring the Microsoft .Net Framework, gives you the ability to dynamically graph any type of data with ASP.NET into Pie, Bar, Line and Point charts. Stream or Export image to filesystem. Auto-scaling and trend calculation.
Introducing ASP.NET - Part 1 http://www.suite101.com This article gives an outline about ASP.NET and its features. It also provides an overview of WebForm controls and Visual Studio .NET 2003.
2Interview Careers Portal http://www.2Interview.com Generates customized interviews, screens and scores applicants, and reports securely on your own site. Features include: auto-reply, notification, resume scan and customizable templates for responding to applicants. Customization interface built in!
EasyASP Forum http://www.dikoi.com/traders/download.html Very easy-to-use forum. just download it, email me for the password, and config it. Within 2 minutes you got a professional forum on your site! Things like Mod options, Different boards and Locked threads added. Go and find out!
C# Corner http://www.c-sharpcorner.com This site is a free resource for C# and .NET developers. "Anybody can post his/her articles, code, topics, links, suggestions, or comments on this site."
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 5:01:22 PM
email, voicemail, call backs, misc admin, Working on Frame Router at IMC, sick, Lunch, Meetings with Paul and Errol, enter deposit, take to bank, Look up info on Vermont Chambers, bundle materials and contacts given to kv to follow up. s/w ppaige about meeting with eds comp. jcc work shop ideas discussed with kv for fall. work order to sw for bob dell bundle (bill m). icq to mg on report for tracking results from cplus mailing., meet with Bill, E & V - mail response, Sithe energy- revised quotes several times- got 56k agreement signed- had conference call with Seth and the NY folks- sent out pricing on upgrade agreement, GENEALOGICALSERVICES DEVELOP SITE AND ADD CONTENT, returned call from Mike at Pepsi-OGS, concerned about disk space on Alpha, lunch, Vermont Internet portal site production, answered phones. Quite a busy night... Many interesting dial-in problems and 2360 went down for a bit., did some radlogs. more calls about lowville!, We did the presentation for the board of realtors, Ran the channel guides to my desk to clean up the cord situation some what, Adbasket secure order form., emails and callbacks to soon to expires, Marketing materials for Soft Vendor and Soft
Marine, Mike Kehoe Laptop program.., emonitor was a Chrismas tree for a bit... Answered phones, Modem Checks at IMC-Net, checking disk space, *Bram: create site mock-ups for review by Mike Nelson, lunch, working on tech support section of home page, helping Bill w/problem reports site, Budget, Herald Bld A/P ,