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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:48:35 PM
myLittleAdmin SQL Server version http://www.mylittletools.net/scripts/mla_sql myLittleAdmin is a web-based Database administration tool. myLittleAdmin allows you to completely manage the tables, fields, and indexes structure as well as the actual record content.You can also use myLittleAdmin to execute any SQL command (includi
Application Design Guidelines: From N-Tier to .NET http://msdn.microsoft.com See how lessons learned from building N-tier applications apply to building applications using the .NET Framework, and get advice on architecture for applications that use XML Web services.
Xheo.WebSkin http://www.xheo.com Xheo.WebSkin - Full page and control skinning for ASP.NET. Multiple page templates, skin the DataGrid control, separate your content from design, design-time support, caching of control templates and output, migrate from current XML/XSLT solutions.
Tracker http://www.aspintranet.com/ Tracker manages bug tracking, problem reports and trouble tickets, product defects, issues, incidents, and task oriented tracking. Ideal for developers during product development and quality assurance. Full source code upon purchase.
iNextLib - .NET DB namespace http://net.intranext.it iNextLib makes easy to get data for your ASP.NET web solutions. Without SQL knowledge you can: select, insert, update, delete, count, call stored procedure and much more! 9 public methods to perform basic and professional SQL database queries.
DynamicImage http://hosting.gotdotnet.ru This control is a derived version of asp:Image, with additonal functionality. The additional features include Graphics property which allows you to draw on control using GDI+ API. The control produce cached in-memory images.
Corewebsoft website tracker ASP.NET http://www.corewebsoft.com/order_website_tracker.aspx ASP.NET application/script for high-volume web site tracking and comprehensive web stats. You can spy on your visitors and see what they do in a real time! Invisible to your visitors. Available as a hosted service too. Free 15-day trial/demo.
Web Navigator http://www.compusolve-technology.co.uk/products/webnavigator/about.asp Web Navigator is a desktop design tool that allows you to incorporate flexible expanding navigation menus into your web site with both speed and ease. The menus that it generates work in a similar way to the Microsoft Outlook Bar by grouping menu op
Do You .NET? http://www.officevba.com If you haven't already been caught up in the hullabaloo surrounding the .NET (pronounced "dot net") initiative coming from Microsoft, I predict - and hope - that you will.
Using ASP to determine the Physical Path Of Your Virtual Website http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/physical-path.asp Here is an example if you are hosting your Domain on some random ISP and you want to know the structure of the web site without asking them.
ZGRAF Graph Toolkit http://www.geocities.com Features Multiple Groups of Data Per Graph, Solid Color or Hatch fills, Selectable Legend Positioning, 2-D and 3-D Styles on Several Graphs and much more. Supported by Visual Studio .NET.
ABCUpload .Net http://www.websupergoo.com ABCUpload .NET allows sophisticated control over the upload of files from a web browser to your ASP.NET pages on your IIS web server. It requires no client side software and operates via standard multipart HTML forms as defined in RFC 1867.
.NET Framework Frequently Asked Questions http://www.andymcm.com This FAQ tries to answer some commonly asked questions about the fundamentals of the .NET Framework. By fundamentals I mean the nuts and bolts of how the .NET Framework works at a low level.
ZBitzip zip-unzip component light http://www.zbitinc.com/product.asp?prodid=2 Simple, small, fast and very easy to use COM component (DLL) that allows you to zip/unzip files from your ASP or any COM enabled code. You can buy full version online for only $19.95 Two Main functions of the object are: Integer UnzipFile(String
Simple Active Users counter script http://www.asptutorial.info/script/activeuserscounter This Active Users Counter script allows to know how many clients are visiting your sit and to show it in your pages. Easy to set up.
ASP - IIS real-time monitor http://www.motobit.com/help/iistrace/iis-monitor.asp IISTracer is a real-time monitoring tool for Microsoft IIS scripts (.asp, .cgi,..), static files (.htm,.gif,..), downloads (.mp3,.zip,..) and uploads. Shows online current status and progress of each running request in IIS, lets you log current IIS s
ASPNet101.com http://aspnet101.com This site is all about what the domain name sounds like - ASP.Net 101. Here's where the beginners and the intermediate users alike, can come and learn the ins and outs of ASP.Net in simple, easy to read Tutorials, Code Samples and Tips.
Simple Hello C# World Class http://www.aspalliance.com A very simple C# Hello World class.
Do-it-Yourself Database Driven Website http://www.forgotwhere.com Easy-Site eliminates 95% of the cost and time required to build a feature rich web site.Now anyone can add, delete or modify their own web site content in seconds. Webmasters have increased sales by 1200% using Easy-Site System. ACT NOW
Free instant Poll/Quiz/vote http://www.asptutorial.info/sscript/poll.asp You will be asked for a question and for responses to that questions (p.e: Are you happy? Yes, No, perhaphs etc). After submitting the form you will get a parsonalized script with you question and answer. Votes are save to files (No databases require
deloittes.NET Image Gallery v1.1 http://www.deloittes.net ASP.NET Image Gallery Server Control. Features include Multiple Gallery Support, Image Uploading, Automatic Image Indexer, Thumbnail Generator, XML based datasource, Free unlimited email support and more. Click for online demo!!
ASP Web Database Interface Builder http://www.awdib.com Builds a fully featured web interface for your database. Just point it at your database, select a few options and click build. Includes validation to, for example, ensure a letter isnt entered in a numeric field, or a decimal point in an integer fi
ASP.NET double combo http://www.sagas.net DoubleCombo box in asp.net datagrid, for North American countries and states/regions. Note! page will reload, so if you use performance like this do it only loading big data.
Guest Book Developed in ASP.NET http://www.bipinjoshi.com This application is simple Guest Book developed using ASP.NET and VB.NET. Eventhough the application is simple it illustrates many .NET concepts like creating web forms, creating components, using config.web and sending emails.
Online Menu System for Restaurants http://www.risenow.com An online menu system that will allow your customers to place orders online. How It Works? 1.Your customer places an order online from your menu & website. 2.You receive your customers order via fax and/or email and prepare it for take-out...
Web Site File Manager User Control (Ver.1.0) http://www.bipinjoshi.com Get this FREE ASP.NET user control that acts as a file manager for your web sites. The download also includes a sample ASPX page ready to use in your applications. This is Ver.1.0 of the control.
Franklins.net http://www.franklins.net Based in New London, Connecticut, we offer expertise in web development on the Microsoft .NET platform, system design and development, developer training and mentoring, and .NET site hosting.
ASP.NET Enterprise Manager for SQL Server and MSDE http://www.aspenterprisemanager.com Open-Source, web-based administration for SQL Server and MSDE Databases written using ASP.Net. The user interface is built to resemble Microsoft's SQL Server Enterprise Manager Software.
ASP DB Admin Control http://www.w3code.com/applications.asp This is a small web based database administration code using ASP 3.0 and Access database. Features 1) Login 2) Control Panel 3) Add records 4) Edit records 5) Delete records 6) Logout
Installing ASP.NET http://www.asp101.com Now that .NET has finally shipped, you've decided that you should probably start playing around with it. So where do you start? Right here is as good a place as any.
ASP.NET ProgressBar & Bar Indicator http://www.surano.com The ASP.NET ProgressBar & Bar Indicator - Professional control is a very useful server control that allows graphical representation of numeric values .
Find links http://www.asptutorial.info/script/Findlinks A small script to help you find links to your site in the net. A good way to spy your competitors.
FanBlast! http://www.fanmass.com The FanBlast! application lets developers quickly provide a rich content newsletter system for their non-technical clients. It features full online account administration, multiple address books, HTML, template storage, subscriber management, doub
IE toolbar remotely generated by server script http://www.hexatech.com/webtoolbar.htm WebToolBar lets you integrate your own toolbar into Internet Explorer and tie the toolbar to your website. The IE toolbar can be dynamically and remotely driven by your web server script for easy update and maintenance. You have the option to load yo
AbyssLabs.Environment http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/environment.phtml Provides an access to the operating system environment variables (e.g. PATH, TEMP, COMPUTERNAME, SystemRoot and etc.)
High-quality Jpeg to GIF conversion in ASP.NET http://www.asppainter.com With this product you can convert a True Color image to palettized one using Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. New algorithm gives images without grain looking just like original ones. You just need to copy one file.
ASP.NET Overview http://www.aspalliance.com The underlying structure of ASP.net is very different to that of previous versions. ASP.net is almost entirely component-based and modularized, and every page, object, and HTML element you use can be a runtime component object.
Prevent viewing of javascript and stylesheets http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=7252&lngWId=4 Prevent unauthorized viewing of website javascript and style sheet files.
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
Flash design service from 7AAA Corp. http://web-design.7aaa.com Web design. Flash web design services and web site development. Dynamic photorealistic presentations.
Alentus ASP.NET Hosting http://www.alentus.com We support more than 30 popular ASP components, free SSL, XML/XSL, WAP, and ASP.NET hosting. Our technical support experts are available around the clock and we offer an attractive Reseller Plan. Our Win2K Economy Plan starts at $9.95/mo.
LiveSOUP http://livesoup.com/opensmslite.asp This ActiveX Component allows both websites and desktop applications the ability to Send SMS Messages Internationally via a standard Internet connection – There is no additional hardware needed. You can even alter the SenderID of each SMS!
VBeXpress.NET http://www.vbexpress.com VBeXpress.NET is an advanced template-driven code generator that can generate fully-functional .NET applications using either VB.NET or C# in minutes.
Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer http://www.flesk.net Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer is a unique technology that overrides sending ViewState object to your client's browser! This means that your client's browser will no longer receive those large hidden field values, which thus reducing downloading time.
The ASP.NET Page Object Model http://msdn.microsoft.com Explore the eventing model built around ASP.NET Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML.
ActiveServerPages.com http://www.activeserverpages.com/ One of the first ASP sites and still going strong
Outsonic.com http://www.outsonic.com Asp.net, asp and html, vb progamming, code generaters and code builders. Includes an ASP intelligent notepad, html table and form code generaters. Also has an online sql query builder.
ABMailer - The ActiveX Mailman http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2656/abmailer.html ABMailer is an ActiveX server which delivers email messages to any SMTP mail server. ABMailer was designed to be used with Microsofts Active Server Page (ASP) server-side scripting language.
The ASP.NET QuickStart http://www.aspfree.com ASP.NET is a rich programming framework for building web-based applications. It offers outstanding support for both developers and administrators, providing improved ease-of-use, tool support, reliability, scalability, administration and security.
Meditating Upon the ASP.NET Code-Behind Model http://www.developer.com With the first alpha of ASP.NET 2.0 just around the corner, the debate about the effective goodness of code-behind seems to be close to its end.
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:48:35 PM
GO OVER TO BOCES TO MEET WITH RICH AND CHUCK.. HELPING FTP TO THE SERVER, answered a couple of calls. , Gen, reviewed LD book, I've run out of space on the timecard! Need more lines on this thing. Spent these 3 hours emailing Tim assignments list, production schedule, looking at DPEC courses for team members to take, creating weekly update for Jeff, putting assignments list in public folder, etc. Nothing Billable today., same as above, cleaning of company location room, moving frames for installation, Discuss changes to Cortland MLS site with Crispin, A lot of no answer errors. Not on any number in particular. Just a general problem that people are having with their modem not being configured, xerox stuff with Dan and Tim, Kelly on phone about watertownny.com. Lisa in office about dynoport. Amy in office about alexbay.com, entered payroll in the QB checkbook, jim had to have a conference call to netsurfer about new cds with me ........... , travel to h20 - 23 miles, met with margaret to discuss projects, Talked to Crispin about the status of his work on all of the SoftMLS sites., answered tech related calls., tech support supervisor duties, radlog, dial up issues, ask us a questions, voice mail, helped techs with issues, callbacks and follow ups, good night, Move Larrimar's domains to iMail, working on channel partners site, emailing back and forth Beth about site, talked to Jason about the site, helping Bill and Steve with problem reports page, sPOKE TO THE TRANSATLANTIC yELLOW pages woman- set up appointment for thursday with her, did more of the same got slow at around 9..., Help w/ Connectivity problems at Alpha Prompt Watertown, UsBoatTours.Com - Static Storefront, secure checkout and auto-email confirmation., work on some stuff for amy, Lunch, Morning not to busy. Duties:Quality checking sign ups, cancellations, reports, Callbacks from voice mails, checking billing emails. answering phones, , worked on old dell server. worked with ben/matt on stuff , INSTALLATION OF NETWORK CABLE IN SYRACUSE, dialy ticc meeting, redid checks for cancels from yesterday-problem with printer, faxes-cash flow, Po to Amy , invoice to Waite, sorted the mail with Joann,