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Listings Entry: 3/26/2006 4:48:19 PM
Authorize.Net Gateway How to http://www.loudasp.com/howto/MiscAuthorizeNetGateway.asp This shows you how to interface with the Authorize.net gateway which allows you to process credit cards in real time and charge that card X amount of dollars.
TextPad http://www.textpad.com Whether you simply need a powerful replacement for Notepad, a tool for editing your web pages, or a programming IDE, TextPad does what you want, the way you would expect.
.NET or .NOT? http://www.winplanet.com Microsoft is yet again seeking to pioneer a new computing strategy that might take computing to another level. Microsoft calls this new Web development strategy .NET. And with all the hype surrounding, one question lingers: what is .NET?
City State Finder http://www.assistedsolutions.com City State FinderThe City State Finder component is an class library that allows a developer to find city and state information for any given zip code. Utilizing the UPS XML web server.
ADEX Registry http://www.vyapin.com/products/developercomponents/adexreg.htm ADEX™ Registry is a COM component that enables application developers of Microsoft technology to access the system registry from their application code. ADEX™ Registry has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providing users fast access to the regist
.NET Framework http://www.microsoft.com The .NET Framework is built using industry standards, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), with the goal of cross-platform interoperability.
FrunderGallery http://www.frunder.com This is a .NET image gallery for developers. Automaticaly generates thumbnails from images in a defined folder, then creates links to larger images. Fully Customizable!
ADEX Schedule http://www.vyapin.com/products/developercomponents/adexscheduler.htm ADEX™ Schedule is a COM component that encapsulates the functionality of TaskScheduler. It enables application developers of Microsoft technology to add, delete and manage tasks in the TaskScheduler. It has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providi
ASP.NET, ASP+... what is what? http://www.aspalliance.com .NET names, keywords and buzzwords.
WebTracker Gold http://www.eradus.org/webtracker DSN name is configurable Has ability to personalize the web tracking panel No limits on shown data, you can configure the amount of entries you like to see displayed Shows and logs demographics from visitors Displays statistics in a graphical
NetSupport http://www.beboop.com Why NetSupport on my web site : You have an impressive web site, you have enough visitors on your web site. But sales are not as per the expectations. Personalization is missing in this scenario. Personalizes your relationship with web site visitors,
ZGRAF Graph Toolkit http://www.geocities.com Features Multiple Groups of Data Per Graph, Solid Color or Hatch fills, Selectable Legend Positioning, 2-D and 3-D Styles on Several Graphs and much more. Supported by Visual Studio .NET.
C# Parser http://www.wilk4.com The C# Syntax Highlighting Parser is a color coding add-in developed for use with HomeSite (tested in HS 4.5.2 and 5.0 RC1) to add color coding to files written in C# (C sharp).
LoudASP http://www.loudasp.com/howto Offers a wide range of HOWTOs and write ups on various ASP topics.
The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle http://www.15seconds.com Solomon Shaffer explores the life cycle of an ASP.NET page from initialization to unloading. He also explains the various methods to override ASP.NET server-side events.
Writing Your First ASP.NET Page http://www.asp101.com Last time around we installed all the prerequisites and finally even ASP.NET. Now that that's done, you can start writing ASP.NET pages of your very own. This time around, we walk you through your first one.
Source4Developers Forums http://www.source4developers.com/forum/ You can post or reply to a thread in the forum or even post comments and news about asp, html, sql, databases, browsers, etc.
Graphics Server 6.0 http://www.GraphicsServer.com Graphics Server 6.0 provides a rich, comprehensive, yet easy-to-use graphing and charting solution for Windows and Internet developers. Implement in either a client-server environment or serve up stunning browser-independent graphs via the Internet.
WebZinc .NET ™ http://www.webzinc.net WebZinc .NET ™ is the only component you'll ever need when working with the Internet. It allows you to treat any site as though it were a Web Service: extract data, search the Web, fill out forms automatically.
Authoring an ASP.NET Page http://www.aspalliance.com Covers the fundamentals of building ASP.NET pages using a text editor.
NCTFinancialChart.NET http://www.nctsoft.com NCTFinancialChart.NET is the pure .NET class library, which allows you to build desktop or web based financial charting applications.
ASP.NET Guestbook Sample (XML file based) http://www.asp101.com When it came time to write an ASP.NET version of our guestbook script, it just seemed wrong somehow to use a plain text file to store the entries. Since XML is such a core part of the whole .NET Framework, using XML seemed to make much more sense...
Xheo.WebSkin http://www.xheo.com Xheo.WebSkin - Full page and control skinning for ASP.NET. Multiple page templates, skin the DataGrid control, separate your content from design, design-time support, caching of control templates and output, migrate from current XML/XSLT solutions.
ASP.NET - What it is and why we needed it http://www.tconsult.com ASP.NET is the full scale revision to the ASP technology based on the new .NET framework. It is not Active Server Pages Part 4. This article highlights some of the main advantages available with ASP.NET
Welcome to My .NET -Part 2 http://theaspsite.com In this tutorial we will look further into using VB.NET to create ASPX pages. I am guessing that you have read 'Welcome to My .NET -Part 1'. So today we will look at an ASPX page is created, how it's functions are written and look at the basic coding
Find links http://www.asptutorial.info/script/Findlinks A small script to help you find links to your site in the net. A good way to spy your competitors.
Active Data Online GeneralLedger http://www.activedataonline.com.au GeneralLedger is a Web-based accounting information system. It provides a means to record, store and query accounting journal entries, and generate a trial balance, a balance sheet and a profit and loss report.
AspWebSurv http://www.maine-net.com/aspwebsurv.asp AspWebSurv is a dynamic polling system that will create interest and let you gather valuable information about what your Site visitors think. IP tracking prevents multiple voting by same visitor and guarantees accuracy! AspWebSurv runs on your
Introduction to OOP in VB.NET http://www.ondotnet.com With VB.NET, Visual Basic is, for the first time, an object-oriented language. Why did Microsoft makes the switch to OOP? Why is OOP superior? And why is it so hard to learn, even for experienced procedural programmers?
DataGrid Girl! http://www.datagridgirl.com Marcie Jones has created this very nice site dedicated to the DataGrid control. Check out the comprehensive links section. A must for anyone working with the DataGrid Control.
AbyssLabs.UUIDGenerator http://www.abysslabs.com/products/com/uuidgenerator.phtml Generates 128-bit Globally Unique Identifiers that can be used to identify any object such as sessions, users, products, database records, transactions and etc. Source code is included.
Working with Properties and Data Types http://www.aspnextgen.com In classic ASP a color name and a string didn't seem any different in that they were both string values. In .NET data types are much more important and much more strict.
CLOX WebMaster http://www.page-1.com/webclox.asp Webclox ASP component for IIS and Windows 2000 servers, allows webmasters to add animated analog or digital, newsroom-style clocks to a webpage. Easy install cut and paste asp script, no client side scripts so no browser crashes!
Ping IP http://warhound.com/ASP/pingip.htm Ping IP is an exceptional Internet networking tool that allows a user to ping one, a category, or all IP devices in the database. The admin functions allow the user to add, edit, or delete an IP device through the web. All data is stored in Access.
Simple Hello C# World Class http://www.aspalliance.com A very simple C# Hello World class.
ASP.Net Marquee Webcontrol http://www.silkwebware.net This Multi-browser Marquee Webcontrol renders a rectangular banner region of moving/scrolling text or html allowing many different movement behaviours. Supports IE 4.0+(including IE based AOL versions) and NS 6.0+ (Gecko based browsers AOL 7.0 etc)
Guestbook in C# for DotNet by Gordon F. Weis http://www.aspfree.com This application was adopted from Steve Schofield's VB Guestbook DotNet application - I merely converted it to C# and added a few features that work better for me.
How to Deal With Newness http://www.devx.com Much of what you're seeing pumped out of Microsoft's .NET team seems to be new. Newness is not necessarily bad, but VS.NET is still unproven, untested, and somewhat scary. New tools mean you'll have to get to know and trust the tools all over again.
Picture Grid http://www.nitrominds.com The Picture Grid is an automatic picture library maker. Simply give it the path to the images you want to load and the grid will do the rest.
Color Selector Controls http://www.peterblum.com Color Selector Controls provide two controls for use when picking a color. Both provide a DropDownList filled in with the names of known colors. One adds a color box to show the color visually.
ASP.NET Basics (part 3): Hard Choices http://aspfree.com In this third part of our introductory ASP.NET tutorial, learn all about C#'s logical and comparison operators with simple examples and illustrations.
ASP: Learning by Example http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1887902686/qid=1119152795/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/102-5291399-3933729?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Focusing on the essential knowledge needed to quickly learn how to write Active Server Pages, this book teaches by example rather than theory.
Jumping Into ASP.NET, Part One http://msdn.microsoft.com In this series, you'll learn best practices for Web application design and programming. First step: defining the application and planning ahead.
ASP.NET Quickstart Tutorials http://samples.gotdotnet.com The ASP.NET Quickstart Tutorials include over 900 samples that demonstrate ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. They can be installed locally as part of the SDK.
Introducing ASP.NET http://www.learnxpress.com ASP.NET (Active Server Pages) is a new and extended technology to the earlier classic ASP, introduced by Microsoft Corporation, which fully supports Microsoft's .NET Framework.
Server Side Form Validation http://www.powerasp.com/content/hintstips/server_side_form_validation.asp Here is a simple example of how to do server side form validation. It will give you the general idea and then you can make it as complex as you want to.
Franklins.net http://www.franklins.net Based in New London, Connecticut, we offer expertise in web development on the Microsoft .NET platform, system design and development, developer training and mentoring, and .NET site hosting.
Free search engine for your site http://www.asptutorial.info/script/searchfiles Allow your visitors to check for search terms or phrases within your server. Easy to set up free script.
Forms - Populating radio buttons with info from a database http://www.powerasp.com/content/code-snippets/forms-populate-radio-buttons.asp Forms - Populating radio buttons with info from a database
GOIS Programmer http://eng.gois.ws GOIS.WS is a P2P Web Site for programmers. All the articles and components here are free to use. GOIS Web Site uses XML and XSL to retrieve database. Customs can find, filter and sort the data directly on their own client site. So it is more faster t
Timecard Entry: 3/26/2006 4:48:19 PM
callbacks on emails, Meeting with Tim Badour, Carol about costGuard setup and a few things on Emerald and Quickbooks, also configuring and ordering Ed's Laptop, filling out po for ed's and Jeff's laptops and finding and ordering network hub for crispin's office, www.cphospital.com Changed the left-hand navigation to read as follows: What's New Physician Directory Services Directory Maternity Cardiac Care Cancer Care Physical Rehabilitation Chemical Rehabilitation Community Health and Support Groups Hospital Maps and Directory Hospital Foundation Newsletter (PDF) Healthcare Links About Our Community Return Home Then create a new header for each of these pages
, Went to the bank for Carol's deposit, Customers, Ben forgot to ask if I would like something from McDonalds., Update time sheet, nortel meeting, wwnytv.net/72k - programming page that parses content from wwny site. Contact Jim Corbin to let them know programming page complete., Searching on the Net for MLS Mapping options, Clayton to Watertown, continued work on NeoPlanet, work on online modem checklist, working in VB for project, helped techs w/calls and emails, answered incoming calls, call backs, entered bills and ran to the post, PEPSI PC anywhere - done., Took a couple calls that were on hold. , Performed some call backs from voice mail still, did a few email problems. did some radlogs. also has an ask us a question, general billing issues, Working on uploading access maps to homepage and link correctly, Break (Time Off), Setup email - Micro-Cad, watched the switch board for Penny 1:30-2pm , E-Mail, Voice-Mail, Setup, Coffee, meet with jnc, finish process documentation for delivery to Jim Gilbert, fx new site consult, reservations and email info for Chris Selland, client e-mail, email, voicemail, troubleshooting of T1 link from CREG to TICC,