Simple Password Protection With a Cookie
If you just need to password protect a single page or a series of pages and
you don't need multiple users this simple code can be pasted at the top of
the page or pages. In this version of the code we use a cookie to keep track
of the password access so the user does not have to log in again when they
come back to the page or pages. This is also a good example of
how to use cookies.
You can change the password in the code. It is set to "sample" right now.
All you need to do is make sure the form posts to itself.
For example: If the page you paste this code into is called "guestbook.asp"
You would change the action of the form to "guestbook.asp".
If you like this concept check out this
awesome application...
It works in a similar same way, but has a user database as well as many
advanced features.
Paste the code below directly under the
LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> on your asp page. Then underneath all of this code have the entire
contents of your page as normal including your own set of body and html tags. If the
correct password is entered you will see your page instead of the input form
and it will remember that you are logged in with a cookie. That's all
there is to it... pretty easy ehh.
Response.Buffer = True
STATUS = Request("STATUS")
If PASSWORD = "sample" THEN
Response.Cookies ("PASSWORDACCESS")("Access")
= "Yes"
Response.Cookies ("PASSWORDACCESS").Expires
= DATE + 256
End If
End If
If Request.Cookies("PASSWORDACCESS")("Access") <> "Yes" Then
<form method="POST" action="thispage.asp">
<input type="PASSWORD" name="PASSWORD" size="10"><br>
<input type="hidden" value="CHECKEM" Name="STATUS" >
<input type="submit" value="Login">
End If