Finding out which Application Pool a
process ID belongs to on 2003 Server.
This isn't totally ASP related but I would like to share it with everyone
since it has helped my when troubleshooting memory/resource use on my
This is a little (.bat) file I have been
using on my server to see what process id's belong to what web site pools
Real simple... Real handy
Make a text file called "process-info.bat"
with the following text in it.
Run it on your 2003 Server and it shows info
like this which you can use with Task Manager to see what belongs to what.
Make sure you set your Task Manager to show the Process ID's.
C:\Documents and
c:\windows\system32\iisapp.vbs Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.
W3WP.exe PID: 5436 AppPoolId:
W3WP.exe PID: 5004 AppPoolId: bansderver
W3WP.exe PID: 4800 AppPoolId: DefaultApppPool
W3WP.exe PID: 2416 AppPoolId: poweraasp
W3WP.exe PID: 2420 AppPoolId: poweraaspinfo
W3WP.exe PID: 4896 AppPoolId: apicserver
W3WP.exe PID: 3484 AppPoolId: arbay
W3WP.exe PID: 4964 AppPoolId: cjwssoft
W3WP.exe PID: 2404 AppPoolId: powerasppforum
W3WP.exe PID: 4028 AppPoolId: smartert
W3WP.exe PID: 1532 AppPoolId: MSShareePointAppPool
W3WP.exe PID: 5784 AppPoolId: supportdesoft
C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Desktop>pause Press any key to continue . . .