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Subject: |
Add new record to SQL DB table |
From: |
Juls |
Date: |
3/21/2001 1:16:18 PM |
IP: | |
I have an SQL DB to which I am connecting and trying to write a new record. However I get an error saying that there were errors in DB and points to line: RS.Update
Here is my code, what's going on? am I connecting the wrong way???
varFirstName= TRIM(Request.Form("txtFirstName"))
varLastName= TRIM(Request.Form("txtLastName"))
varAddress= TRIM(Request.Form("txtAddress"))
varSurveyID= TRIM(Request.Form("txtSurveyID")) 'from hidden field
varNumberOfQuestions= TRIM(Request.Form("txtNumberOfQuestions")) 'from hidden field
varSuccessName = "No"
varSuccessQA = "No"
' IF the form is filled in correctly, then write answers to DB
If (varFormStatus = "FilledIn") then
'create database objects and open connections
ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=ICHE_Surveys; Data Source = HERCULES"
set DB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DB.Open ConnectionString
set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "SELECT Participants.ParticipantID, Participants.FirstName, Participants.LastName, Participants.Address, Answers.SurveyID, Answers.QuestionNumber, Answers.Answer, Answers.ParticipantID AS ForeignPartID, Participants.DateParticipated " _
& "FROM dbo.Participants INNER JOIN dbo.Answers ON dbo.Answers.ParticipantID = dbo.Answers.ParticipantID " _
& "WHERE 0 = 1", DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
