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Subject: |
Informix-to-MS Access ASP Script Problem |
From: |
Milton Bell |
Date: |
4/9/2000 5:56:24 PM |
IP: | |
Im trying to use the below listed script with an MS Access database (the script
was created for use with an Informix database). However, when run it doesnt
appear that "macom" and "macnarr" are not being selected distinctly from
"macmtf," i.e., macom isnt appearing in subsequent scripts.
Since the script is now being used with an MS Access database, are there changes
that need to be made to the script? I mean are there commands that are uniqe to
MS Access that are missing from the script shown below?
BTW, some of the former-Informix scripts retrieve data from the Access database,
however most result in "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error messages.
For example, when run, the below listed script will result in the subsequent script
stopping at the line that reads:
CAObj.ReportByType myConn,Request("macom"),startdate,enddate
I can use "Response.Write" to verify information thats in the "startdate" and
"enddate" variables. So, it appears that "macom" is empty and causing the
"Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error message. (Response.Write
displays a blank for "macom."
Would appreciate any assistance in resolving this problem.
Thank you,
Milton Bell
San Antonio, TX
<!--#include file="check.asp"-->
<% Level_Check(accADMIN) %>
TITLE>Case Analysis</TITLE>
h2 align="center"><font COLOR="Green">My Database<br>
Case Analysis</font></h2>
hr WIDTH="75%">
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Session("connString")
Run some queries to see if any records exist in the transfer table to edit
sql = "SELECT Distinct macom,macnarr FROM macmtf"
Set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
B>Select a MACOM to Analyze:</B>
FORM NAME="dateform" METHOD=POST ACTION="caseanalysis.asp"
onSubmit="return checkForm()">
SELECT NAME="macom">
Do While not rs.EOF
OPTION VALUE="<%=rs("macom")%>"><%=rs("macnarr")%></OPTION>
Loop %>
!-- #include file="wdateform.html" -->
