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Subject: |
Problem: My asp inserts blank lines in my database! |
From: |
Karin |
Date: |
2/25/1999 6:15:03 AM |
IP: | |
I have made a drop-down list with asp - and every time I push my submit button, an ekstra blank line is inserted into my database! - The content in my drop down list is generated from the very database - so after some clicks, my list consists of a lot of blank lines!
What Went Wrong?
Here's my code:
SET DbObj = Server.CreateObjec ("ADODB.Connection")
DbObj.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=db1.mdb;DefaultDir=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webs\;uid=;pwd=;"
SET oRs = DbObj.Execute("SELECT web, keyword, description FROM keyname WHERE web='" & request.querystring("webnavn") & "'")
SET WebRst = DbObj.Execute("SELECT * FROM keyname")
<BR>For at se din webs keywords og description - vælg din web her:
<% while not WebRst.EOF %>
<OPTION <% if Request.querystring("webnavn") = WebRst.Fields("web").Value then %>
<% response.write "SELECTED " %>
<% end if %>
VALUE ="<%=WebRst.Fields("web").Value %>"><%=WebRst.Fields("web").Value %></OPTION>
<% WebRst.MoveNext %>
<% wend %>
<iNPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="knap" VALUE="Vis">
Thank you
Follow Up - Re: Problem: My asp inserts blank lines in my database! - Wes Funderberg 2/26/1999 11:15:38 AM
