Get the following error when trying to submit updates to a record.
Error Number=3001
Error Descr.=Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
Help Context=0
Source=Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Update Production SET American LLC',Add-on,stuff,Domain,more stuff,Matt G.,J. Coson,dog,anarchy,05/30/01,2 add doms-,'
Here's some of my code: Any glaring errors?
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Application("DB_ConnectionString")
form_name=Replace(form_name, "'", "''")
IF instr(lcase(form_name),"<img")>0 THEN
sqlstmt="Update Production SET "
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Customer & "',"
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Order & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Cancel & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Service & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Oservice & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_sales & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Coordinator & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Pending & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Due & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Completed & ","
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & form_Comments & "'"
sqlstmt=sqlstmt & " WHERE ID=" & form_ID
set RS=Conn.Execut(sqlstmt