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Gates: The World Needs Computers And More (TechWeb)
TechWeb - Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, who became the richest man in the world through technology, says computers are one of many ways to improve the world.
Microsoft Updates Software Assurance (NewsFactor)
NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) has tweaked its Software Assurance (SA) program for enterprise customers, incorporating several new features in an attempt to create more goodwill around the plan. The company also announced that if enterprises want to get the Enterprise Edition of Windows Vista when it ships in 2006, they will have to sign up for SA.
Microsoft Sets Release Date for Xbox 360 (NewsFactor)
NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) will launch its next-generation gaming console during the upcoming holiday season, getting the jump on competitors Sony (NYSE: SNE) and Nintendo (PNK: NTDOY) with the much-hyped and highly anticipated Xbox 360.
Troubling Exits At Microsoft (BusinessWeek Online)
BusinessWeek Online - When Microsoft Corp. (MFST.) hired computer scientist Kai-Fu Lee away from hardware maker Silicon Graphics Inc. in 1998, the move underscored how thoroughly the software giant dominated the computer industry. Not only did it monopolize PC operating systems and hold an edge in Web browsers, but it was also vacuuming up the world's brightest technologists. Lee's expertise was in speech recognition, considered one of the next big leaps in computing. With people like him flocking to Microsoft's labs, it seemed that the digital world's reigning champion had a lock on the future.
Microsoft seeks more control with Xbox 360 (Reuters)
Reuters - The first time around, Microsoft
Corp. wanted to establish a beachhead in the video
game business. Now, with its much anticipated Xbox 360 console,
it wants to rule that $25 billion global market. ]]>
New IE Bug Opens XP SP2 To Attack (TechWeb)
TechWeb - Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser sports a flaw that hackers could use to launch a remote attack on Windows XP SP2.
Nintendo controller steals limelight from Microsoft's new Xbox (AFP)
AFP - Nintendo trumped its rivals at the start of an industry show by revealing a one-handed remote controller that stole attention from Microsoft's new Xbox games machine, which was demonstrated in public for the first time. ]]>
AOL, Microsoft talk alliance, reports say (SiliconValley.com)
SiliconValley.com - Reports of an alliance between Microsoft and AOL shook up the Internet world Thursday.
Online Extra: Steve Ballmer Shrugs Off The Critics (BusinessWeek Online)
BusinessWeek Online - Steven A. Ballmer has been Microsoft Corp.'s chief executive officer for five years. He has steered the company through the tech downturn and a slowdown in revenue growth. Now he's predicting an upswing. BusinessWeek Seattle Bureau Chief Jay Greene and Executive Editor Kathy Rebello interviewed Ballmer at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, where he was attending a Hewlett-Packard partner conference. Following is an extended, online-only version of the interview that appears in the Sept. 26, 2005, issue of BusinessWeek.
Online Extra: A Rendezvous With Microsoft's Deep Throat (BusinessWeek Online)
BusinessWeek Online - I didn't have to change cabs twice and slip into the shadows of a suburban parking garage at 2 in the morning. Instead, we agreed to meet at a Starbucks at 5:45 pm. The signal: My contact would have a copy of Microserfs, the legendary 1995 book about employee life in the early days of Microsoft Corp. . Sure enough, when I walked in the door, the book was sitting on the table to my right. My heart raced. "Mini," I said, extending my hand. "It's great to put a face with a name."
IBM to Encourage Employees to Be Teachers (AP)
AP - International Business Machines Corp., worried the United States is losing its competitive edge, will financially back employees who want to leave the company to become math and science teachers. ]]>
Survey: Broadband Prices Up, DSL Down (AP)
AP - The price gap between cable broadband service and phone carriers' digital subscriber lines widened to an all-time high in August, according to a survey by SG Cowen.
Internet Oversight Board OKs New Domains (AP)
AP - The Internet's key oversight agency approved a domain name for the Catalan language Thursday while deferring final action on creating a red-light district on the Internet through a ".xxx" suffix.
Nintendo Produces New Remote Control (AP)
AP - Nintendo thinks it has the answer for people scared off by all the complex switches and buttons on home video-game controllers — a simpler device that looks like a TV remote control and can be waved like a wand or a baseball bat. ]]>
FinanceAsia.com Apologizes for Story (AP)
AP - Hong Kong-based FinanceAsia.com has apologized to Singapore's leaders past and present for an article about Temasek, the Singapore government's investment arm.
Gartner: VoIP Security Uncertain in EBay/Skype Deal (TechWeb)
TechWeb - In another twist on the eBay/Skype deal, a research firm cautions big businesses should steer clear of the combined companies' technology. The problem: lackluster VoIP security.
First Look: Wireless Internet Media Player--Too Little, Too Late (PC World)
PC World - Pepper Computer's Pepper Pad aims to bring wireless broadband to a handheld, with mixed results.
Deutsche Telekom Won't Sell T-Mobile USA (AP)
AP - Deutsche Telekom AG has decided against selling its T-Mobile USA unit and will instead work to expand the U.S. wireless unit, the company said Friday.
BEA seeks open source accommodation (InfoWorld)
InfoWorld - At face value, it might appear that BEA Systems has its work cut out for it competing with free, open source alternatives to its own commercially available WebLogic Server application server platform.
IBM preps 'BI-lite' productivity app (InfoWorld)
InfoWorld - IBM next month plans to release a new software product designed to bring business intelligence-style data views to the masses. The goal is to make it easier for workers to transform business objectives into accomplished tasks that align with an organization's larger strategy.
Internet Oversight Board OKs New Domains (AP)
AP - The Internet's key oversight agency approved a domain name for the Catalan language Thursday while deferring final action on creating a red-light district on the Internet through a ".xxx" suffix.
Survey: Broadband Prices Up, DSL Down (AP)
AP - The price gap between cable broadband service and phone carriers' digital subscriber lines widened to an all-time high in August, according to a survey by SG Cowen.
Gartner: VoIP Security Uncertain in EBay/Skype Deal (TechWeb)
TechWeb - In another twist on the eBay/Skype deal, a research firm cautions big businesses should steer clear of the combined companies' technology. The problem: lackluster VoIP security.
First Look: Wireless Internet Media Player--Too Little, Too Late (PC World)
PC World - Pepper Computer's Pepper Pad aims to bring wireless broadband to a handheld, with mixed results.
Study: Employees Ignore Security Risks (NewsFactor)
NewsFactor - Enterprises need to do a better job of educating their workers about potential online security risks, according to security authority Trend Micro. (Nasdaq: TMIC)
PluggedIn: Technology that took on a hurricane (Reuters)
Reuters - While big media covered the mass
destruction brought by Hurricane Katrina with helicopter images
and satellite weather maps, blogs have been telling stories
with similar force, but on a much more personal level.
Internet Calling's Role in Katrina Aftermath Understated (TechWeb)
TechWeb - VoIP enthusiasts say that Internet telephony played a wider role than may be generally appreciated in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
New IE Bug Opens XP SP2 To Attack (TechWeb)
TechWeb - Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser sports a flaw that hackers could use to launch a remote attack on Windows XP SP2.
Worm Redirects Google Searches For Profit (TechWeb)
TechWeb - A new worm modifies the infected PC so attempts to search using Google are directed to a spoofed site that looks like the real thing.
Yahoo boss Semel tunes in to online TV (Reuters)
Reuters - Yahoo Chief Executive Terry Semel
outlined his television strategy on Friday, saying that the
Internet company wants to commission original content without
aping existing TV networks. ]]>